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Awaiting Cossack Charge Painting. Napoleon's Campaign in Spain 1808-1809. Average Field Strength of the French Army analyzes the French Army of 1812. MiniFigs Superdetailed 15mm Napoleonics (figures) War of 1812 Resource Guide (bibliography) Armies of the Danube 1809 (book) Maps of the Napoleonic Wars (reprints) Battle of Rodigen presents an 1813 battle on the tabletop. Ottoman Mortar Corps and Allied Units Part 3 in a series about Ottoman artillery during the Napoleonic era. What Color is my Ottoman? Q&A about the complexions of various troops. Ottoman News New books about the Ottomans. Ottoman Book Review Reviewed: Osprey Men-at-Arms #314: Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1775-1820. Bonaparte in Egypt The campaign against the Ottomans. Close Action Age of Sail board wargame. Battle of Champaubert Introduction French Accounts of Battle of Champaubert Russian Accounts of Battle of Champaubert Battle of Champaubert Order of Battle Champaubert Battlefield Photographs Les Gardes D'Honneur De La Garde Imperiale short history of the Honor Guards of the Imperial Guards. Napoleon and the Projected Invasion of England The new Eurotunnel "Chunnel" was started back in the 1800s. Column Vs. Line Griffith vs. Bowden in a look at nationalism and bias in history. Focuses on the Battle of Waterloo. On Napoleonic Skirmishers French Influence on an American Field Manual. Napoleonic Soldier and Women Parquin's memoirs dish on his dalliances across Europe. Tribute to David Chandler Legacy of Glory Rules Discussion Wargame Problems Tabletop Jagers Roll Dem Bones Tabletop Battle of Geschutzberg Napoleonic Encyclopedia Grenadiers. Napoleonic Sourcebook Plans. War of 1812 New Orleans Naval Operations. Questions & Answers Boxlock French Flintlock Multi-barrel Pistol. Leona's Corner Potatoes Years Ago: Calendars and Coronations Friday Night at the Fights Comic Strip First and Second Sieges of Badajoz Part 1 of a historical analysis of the 19 May - 17 June 1811 sieges. Passage to Iberia examines the British transport system. Invasiones Inglesas details the British invasion of South America 1806-1807, Part Two. Includes illustrated uniform guide. Dusty Archive News. Return Fire Canadian Voltiguers. Lt. John Urquhart Oporto Colonel Hugh Montgomerie Queries Portuguese Shako and Portuguese Militia Dutch-Belgian and German Artillery at Waterloo York Chasseurs In Napoleon's Shadow The Memoirs of Louis-Joseph Marchand 1811-1821. Upcoming book release. A Soldier for Napoleon 7th Bavarian Infantry. Upcoming book release. Revised: Russian Army List 1812 3rd Corps. Battle of Raszyn 19 April 1809 battle between Austrians and Poles. Bonaparte's Egyptian Campaign From invasion to aftermath. Anglo-Russian Landings in Holland Part 3: The 1799 invasion. Fever Islands: Part 3 A role-playing game based on British activities in the Caribbean. Vandamme Part 2 of a bio of Dominique Joseph Rene Vandamme. You Know, What's-his-name How to pronounce Russian commander names. The Swedish Royal Mounted Life Guards Profile of the unit covers history, organization, and uniforms. Frontal Assault at Kulmbach A 'nightmare' wargaming scenario. Christmas Competition Napoleonic trivia questions...and the answers. Six Steps to Better Basing Some terraining tips for miniature figures. Do We Get What We Deserve? A response to avoiding wargaming stagnation. Review: Austerlitz: Play by Mail Game Review: Napier's History of the War in The Peninsula Review: Old Glory and SKT figures Battle of Montmirail 1814 Thunder Child The Impact of Society on French Massed Artillery Doctrine. Line Chasseurs a Cheval Profile. NSA Convention Report Napoleonic Society Conference. Historicon 94 historical wargaming convention. General Junot and Laure Junot Profile of the couple's descent into madness and betrayal. Red Coats and Grey Jackets book review Napoleon's Last Victory book review On French Popular Support During the 1814 Campaign On Cavalry Questions at Historicon '94 Napoleonic Sourcebook Holiday Shopping Guide. Napoleon's Coronation and the Imperial Family The Napoleonic Soldier and Game My Preferred Way of Cooking Rabbits Years Ago: Coronation and Battle of New Orleans Jerome's Corner Little Battles Flash and Polish Miniature Figure releases Questions and Answers Pirch, Kleist, and battaillon carre Battles for Urfahr-Linz 1809 battle in Part 2. Maps included. Infantry Squares During the Napoleonic Era excerpt from his book on mounted vs. foot atacks. Robert Crauford the final assault for the British commander in part 2. Siborne and the Zeiten Message extensive original source material analyzes the dispute over Zeiten's communications during the Waterloo campaign. Bylandt's Brigade at Waterloo deployment of the Dutch-Belgium brigade at Waterloo. Wellington Congress 1998 conference preview. Baden Army 1803-1815 Part 1 looks at the organization and uniforms. News: Bank of England Museum News: British Militia and Volunteers Study Group News: Greenhill Books News News: Napoleonic Website News: Prisoners of War at Ashby de la Zouch Anglo-Russian Landings in Holland Part 1: The 1799 invasion. Russo-Swedish War The 1808-1809 war, including orders of battle. Battle of Hanau The October 30-31 1813 battle, including orders of battle and map. Red George A bio of Lt. Col. 'Red George' MacDonnell and the War of 1812. Show Guide November - December 1992 events. News Old Glory and Eagle Six miniatures Elite 1813-15 Prussians (miniature figures review) Bicorne 25mm Mameluks and Brit Dragoons (miniature figures review) L' Armee Francais (Book review) With Abercrombie and Moore in Egypt (Memoirs) Spanish Adventure (Memoirs) Collected Reminiscences of Waterloo (Memoirs) Cannons at the Rapid Gait: 1793-1815 Britain's Royal Horse Artillery (RHA) Prof. Owen "Mike" Connelly Interview Napoleon and the Jews Book News 1998 On the Fields of Glory Book Review Les Uniformes des Guerres Napoleoniennes Book Review Les Epogee Napoleonienne Book Review Napoleon Book Review Les Campagne de Russie 1812 Book Review Du Silex au Piston Book Review Armes a Feu Francaises Modeles Reglementaires 1717-1836 Book Review Napoleonic Saxon Heavy Cavalry Book Review Feedback: Napoleon Bonaparte by Alan Schom International Napoleonic Society Conference Upcoming Events Reader Feedback Fort Nelson Artillery Museum (UK) Profile Napoleon's Eagles Card Game Game Review Napoleonic Campaign Game Experiment. Where Did They Come From? The Battle of Vimiero, 21st August 1808 Battle of Chippewa Rich Barbuto analyzes a War of 1812 action. Form Square! Fast-play Napoleonic rules. Battles for Urfahr-Linz Tackles the 1809 battle in Part 1. Maps included. Cavalry vs. Infantry Squares Continues with part 2 in the series that examines a multitude of battles and original source material to detail mounted vs. foot atacks. Robert Crauford Details the final assault for the British commander. 'Sharpe End' Revisted Responds to a previous column's considerations. Letter from America Discusses cuirassiers. Fishguard Examines the 200th anniversary of the French Invasion of Britain at Fishguard. Charles Reavley An obituary for this pioneer. Battle of Arcole Re-enactment Provides indepth reporting of this 1996 re-enactment. Questions and Answers Russian 1812 Army. Review: Royal Navy (books) Review: Talonsoft Napoleon in Waterloo (computer game) Dusty Archive Awards and Scholarship. Battle of Turovn Napoleonic miniatures battle recap. Anglo-Russian Landings in Holland Part 2: The 1799 invasion. Fever Islands: Part 2 A role-playing game based on British activities in the Caribbean. Vandamme Part 1 of a bio of Dominique Joseph Rene Vandamme. The Decree of 18 February 1808 Napoleon's tactical reorganization and expansion of the French Army. Who Wants to be Napoleon? A philosophical discussion of the various levels of command in wargaming. Christmas CompetitionNapoleonic trivia questions. Time to Change Avoiding wargaming stagnation. Napoleon, 1812: The Road to Moscow (Video Review 1) Napoleon, 1812: The Road to Moscow (Video Review 2) Review: Hanau 1813: No. 7 (Book) Paddy Griffith New Book: War of Revolutionary France Critical Attention for 1815 Book Napoleonic Battle Report Turovn: Piquet Game. Battle of Maida The 1806 battle with a historical account and tabletop scenario. Osprey: Leipzig 1813 Book review. Battle of Novi The 15 August 1799 battle and offers a scenario tabletop replay. Yes, But is it Playable? Design aspects for Napoleonic rules. Best of Fleets, Worst of Fleets Replays a Napoleonic naval engagement on the tabletop. Sailing Era Naval Rules Reviews of Napoleonic naval tabletop rules. Back to Jul-Aug-Sep 1998 Subject Article Posting Index Back to Subject Article Posting List (by Quarter) Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Coalition Web, Inc. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |