Historicon '94

Convention Report

by the EE&L Staff

As already mentioned in EE&L 3, Historicon and Cold Wars are two events that we, in our little group, really look forward to attending.

Like last year, HISTORICON 94 offered lectures for the historically minded Napoleonic wargamer dealing with rules, battles etc., but for some strange reason they were not as numerous as last year.

J. Lochet was able to attend one of Don Featherstone's two papers, this was on the Battle of Salamanca and, as usual, Don (at left) did a great job complemented by a great sense of humor.

George Nafziger presented a short, well received paper on the Six Days Campaign of 1814 which is the object of a series in EE&L and we had the pleasure to participate in answering some of the questions from the readership.

Craig Taylor and Bob Coggins held a talk on Napoleon's Battles rules and on grand tactics. Our group presented a series of 3 lectures on the French cavalry ending with numerous questions some of which are covered in the Reader's Forum section.

In addition, there was a wealth of Napoleonic wargames much too numerous to name all. Some deserve a special mention like the spectacular recreation of the Battle of Wagram using William Keyser's From Valmy to Waterloo rules and an L shape table (at right) some 40 feet long with the historical roster and cameo appearances by Bill Jessop (below, at left) as Kolowrat and Marc Raiff (below, at right) as our favorite archduke. All that of course with 5mm figures (24 players, 12 hours!). The very realistic Legacy of Glory rules that we presented in the last issue of EE&L were used in a fictional scenario set in Poland, 1807 which also used 5mm figures.

Todd Fisher hosted the Battle of Fleurus using 15mm figures and Empire rules in which the famous balloon used by the French was represented. Most of the major Napoleonic rules also hosted wargames too numerous to mention.

Napoleonic/Encore featured Aspern-Essling, Carnage and Glory hosted 1813 Grand Tactical Napoleonic, House Rules Napoleonic sponsored the Waterloo Campaign, and Napoleon's Battles put on the Battle of Dresden to name a few.

One initiative deserves a great deal of praise. That is the numerous wargames that were intended exclusively for children among which was a Napoleonic wargame.

We received a abundance of comments and many compliments from the readership about the new EE&L. Leona Lochet was especially pleased about the very favorable comments on "LEONA'S CORNER" and was asked to give more recipes and .... more scandalous stories.

HISTORICON 94 also featured a painting competition that was well attended and the quality of the figures presented very high. Our Mike Gilbert was one of the judges and had a difficult time choosing a winner.

So like last year, HISTORICON 94 was quite a show. We are looking forward to attending COLD WARS 95 where our group will be presenting a upgraded versions of the formations used by the French cavalry at Austerlitz and the tactical handling of the French cavalry during the Empire, both this time with extensive diagrams. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

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