Abanderado ... History of the Spanish Civil War.
ACW Wargaming Newsletter ACW History and gaming. Aerospace History and Technology Jets and Rockets. After Action Review (AAR) History and gaming, all periods. Antiquity Museum Ancient History. Against the Odds...All historical periods, includes a complete game in each issue. Age of Empires (formerly Colonial Conquest)...History 1815-1914. Age of Napoleon...History of the Napoleonic era. Air Power ...Journal of Air Combat and Gaming. American Revolution Journal...American War of Independence era history. The American Wargamer...Started 1973 about wargaming. The Armchair General...All periods of history and gaming The Art of War Annual...Historical periods supporting CoA. Barkorcghasse Chronicles...Fiction/idea journal for RPG. Battlefields...All historical periods. Each article a scenario. BattleTechnology...31st Century Sci-Fi supports BattleTech. Battle-Wire...WWII, supports Battleground rules. Berg's Review of Games...Reviews board and computer wargames. Campaign (formerly Panzerfaust) ... Boardgaming of all kinds. (back issues only) Center US Army Lessons Newsletter...Modern. Chainmail...Role-Playing Gaming (fantasy and science fiction). Charge!...ACW history and JR3. The Citadel...Northwest HMGS newsletter for historical study and gaming. Clash of Empires...19th Century European Wars. Classical Hack Newsletter...Ancients wargaming. Colonial Conquest...Victorian-era colonial history. Combat Simulation...20th C history and Battalions in Crisis Support. Combat Studies Research...Army History. Command Post Newsletter...20th C history and CD, CA, OTT Support. Command Post Quarterly Magazine...20th C history and CD, CA, OTT Support. Competitive Edge...All historical periods, includes a complete game in each issue. (Formerly GameFix) Conflict...All historical periods. (back issues only) CounterAttack...All historical periods. The Courier...All historical periods, with a gaming interest. Cry Havoc...All historical periods. HMGS Mid-South Dispatch...All historical periods, with a gaming interest. Doomtown Epitath...Supports Card Game. Dragoman...History of the Ottoman Empire. The Dungeon Architect...RPG Ideas. 18th Century Military Notes & Queries...history from the age of reason 1660-1780. El Dorado...South and Central American military history. Empires Eagles and Lions...History of the Napoleonic era. English Civil War Times...History of the ECW. ECW Notes & Queries...History of the ECW. Europa...WWII history and system. Experimental Game Group...supports the matrix game. First Empire...Napoleonic era, battles, and other topics. The Frontline...All era mix of military history and wargaming. Game! The International Gamer Magazine...Review focus GameFix...All historical periods, includes a complete game in each issue (Now Competitive Edge). Game News...Gaming product focus Gamer's Closet (NOVAG)...Historical Miniatures: all eras. US GAO Reports...Booklets. Gen. Garfield Newsletter...ACW Museum and Group. The Gauntlet...All historical eras, with a gaming focus. Greenhill Military Book News...promotes Greenhill Books. Grenadier...All eras of history and boardgaming. Helen of Toy Newsletter...supports toy soldier company. |
The Heliograph...Victorian Colonial history and wargaming.
HMGS-GL The Herald...All historical periods. Imperial Herald...Supports L5R (Samurai Fantasy). Junior General Report...Classroom Historical Miniatures King or Parliament...English Civil War history. The Knights Round Table..supports Day of Battle medieval rules. Kriegspieler...blends history and wargaming from all eras. KTB Magazine...Sharkhunters U-Boat and Submarine journal. Larry Leadhead...Comic Strip for the wargamer. Leavenworth Papers...Historical battles and campaigns. Lone Warrior...All historical periods, solitaire gaming. Masters of Role Playing ...Sophisticated RPG (fantasy and sci-fi). Matrix Gamer ...Matrix gaming ideas. HMGS/PSW: The Messenger...All historical periods. MicroMark...19th, 20th C. Army Lists, TO&Es. Modern Combat Tactics...Doctrine. Muskrat L...Kovalic's Dork Tower Newsletter. MWAN...Historical Miniatures oriented magazine covers all eras. Napoleon...History of Napoleon: his life, wars, and world. Napoleonic Notes & Queries...History of the Napoleonic era. The Naval SITREP...20th c. naval and air focus. New Horizons...AEG Newsletter. Novag News...NOVAG Newsletter. OSG News...Newsletter supports OSG Products. Operations: Wargaming Journal supports Gamers' wargames. Pakistan At War...Pakistan Military History Newsletter. Panzerfaust Historical/Sci-Fi/Fantasy gaming of all kinds. Panzerfaust and Campaign Historical/Sci-Fi/Fantasy gaming. Paradies Lost...Ideas journal for RPG. Pendragon News...Supports King Arthur products. The Penny Whistle...Miniature wargames, rules, and reviews. Perfidious Albion...Board wargames and book reviews. Piquet Dispatch...Supports Piquet historical miniatures rules. PW Review...Pull-no-punches reviews of historical products. The Rebel Yell..HMGS South Newsletter for historical miniatures. Renaissance Ink....Miniatures oriented newsletter. Renaissance Notes & Queries...Renaissance era military history. Russo-Japan War...1904-1905 War. Sabretache...Lace Wars, Napoleonic, and Victorian eras. Saga...Dark Ages and medieval history and gaming. Samurai History Papers....Japanese history Savage and Soldier....Victorian Colonial history Seven Years War Association Journal...History from 1733-1766 includes SYW and French and Indian War. The Seeker...Mostly Role-Playing with Historical info. Shadis...Sophisticated Role-Playing and Gaming (fantasy/sci-fi). Shadis Presents...More role playing gaming (back issues only). Simulacrum...Collectible Wargames of all eras. SSI...Army War College booklets. Strategikon....Ancients and pre-gunpowder eras. Strategist....Wargaming (former American Wargamer) Strut and Conquer...Supports Markham Design games. Taisho...Japanese Samurai military history. Tales of Cross Haven...RPG Ideas. Those Damn Dice...All eras of history and wargaming. Time Portal Passages...All eras of history. The Tombstone Epitath...Supports DoomTown card game. HMGS-TA Tornado Alert...All periods of history and gaming. US Army Military History...General Overview Valkyrie...Sophisticated Sci-Fi/Fantasy Role Playing and Gaming Veteran Campaigner...HMGS GI newsletter for military personnel. Vietnam Military History...The Vietnam War. The Volunteer...SJCW newsletter for history and wargaming. Warfare in History...All historical eras. Wargame Design...Supports OSG historical boardgames. Wargamer's Newsletter...Featherstone's original. War of 1812...military history, wargaming, and products. Die Wehrmacht...WWII German OKW Newspaper. White Knight...Sci-fi and Fantasy roleplaying news. Winds of Valor Newsletter ACW History. World War II Newsletter...WWII History. World War II: US Army...WWII History. The Zouave...American Civil War history and gaming. |
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