Strategy Game SocietyList of Issues
Number 378: September 2003
Number 377: August 2003
Number 376: July 2003
Number 375: June 2003
Number 374: May 2003
Number 372: March 2003
Number 371: February 2003
Number 370: January 2003
Number 369: December 2002
Number 368: November 2002
Number 367: October 2002
Number 366: September 2002
Number 365: August 2002
Number 364: July 2002
Number 362: May 2002
Number 361: April 2002
Number 360: March 2002
Number 359: February 2002
Number 358: January 2002
Number 345: December 2000
Number 344: November 2000
Number 343: October 2000
Number 342: September 2000
Number 341: August 2000
Number 340: July 2000
Number 339: June 2000
Number 338: May 2000
Number 337: April 2000
Number 336: March 2000
Number 335: February 2000
Number 334: January 2000
Number 333: December 1999
Number 332: November 1999
Number 331: October 1999
Number 330: September 1999
Number 329: August 1999
Number 328: July 1999
Number 327: June 1999
Number 326: May 1999
Number 325: April 1999
Number 324: March 1999
Number 323: February 1999
Number 322: January 1999
Number 321: December 1998
Number 320: November 1998
Number 319: October 1998
Number 318: September 1998
Number 317: August 1998
Number 316: July 1998
Number 315: June 1998
Number 314: May 1998
Number 313: April 1998
Number 312: March 1998
Number 311: February 1998
Number 310: January 1998
Number 274: January 1995
Number 273: December 1994
Number 272: November 1994
Number 271: October 1994
Number 270: September 1994
Number 269: August 1994
Number 268: July 1994
Number 202: January 1989
Number 196: July 1988
The American Wargamer
Vol. 1 No. 7: February 1974
Vol. 1 No. 6: January 1974
Vol. 1 No. 1: August 1973
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About The American Wargamer
The American Wargamer is now called The Strategist. The American Wargaming Association is now called the Strategy Gaming Society.
Subscription rate: One-year (12 issues) $15
Back issues: $1.50 each
Orders for subscriptions and Back Issues (checks payable to "SGS") should go to:
Strategy Gaming Society
George Phillies
87-6 Park Ave..
Worcester, MA 01605
Magazine Staff
Editor: George Phillies
is the
monthly Newsletter of the Strategy Gaming Society, an
international all-hobby strategic gaming organization,
founded in 1973 by George Phillies, Kevin Slimak, Rod
Burr, and Mark Swanson. Now over a quarter-century old, the
Strategy Gaming Society unites gamers on six continents in
support of the play and study of profound games. Now on the
World Wide Web at http://www.islandnet.coni/-citizenyl/sgshome.htm
President: Ken Ellis, 3005 Butner Mill Road, East Bend NC 27018.
Vice President: Vacant.
Treasurer. George Phillies, 87-6 Park
Avenue, Worcester MA 01605.
Memhership Secretary. Brian
Train, 1864 Fairburn Drive, Victoria BC V8N IP9 Canada
Brian.Train@ gems8.gov.bc.ca.
Editor: George Phillies, 87-6 Park
Avenue, Worcester MA 0 1605, 508-754,1859; phillies@wpi.edu
1. Paul Meyer, c/o Crazy Egor, 1699 Hamlin-Parma Town Line
Road, Hilton NY 14468.
2. Ken Ellis, 3005 Butner Mill Road, East Bend NC 27018.
3. Vacant
4. Vacant
5. Mark Nies, 1412 Sher-man Avenue, S. Milwaukee MI 53172.
6. Vacant
7. Andrew York, POB 201117, Austin TX 78720.
8. Vacant
9. Vacant
10. George Phillies, 87-6 Park Avenue, Worcester MA 01605.
11. Tie - Election under way.
Advertising-George Phillies, 87-6 Park Avenue, Worcester MA 0
Awards Committee -
Boardgaming- Vacant
Collector's Guild-George Phillies, 87-6 Park Avenue, Worcester
MA 01605;
Elections Officer - Vacant
Errata and Variants-Brian Train, 1864 Fairburn Drive, Victoria BC
V8N 1P9 Canada Brian.Train@gems8.gov.bc.ca.
Game Design Bureau- Vacant
Miniatures -
Publications-George Phillies, 87-6 Park Ave., Worcester MA
Rolegaming-Paul W. Meyer, c/o Crazy Egor, 1699 Hamlin-Parma
Town Line Road, Hilton NY 14468;
Science Fiction Games-Vacant
Dues are $15 in the USA, US $15.00 in Canada or Mexico, and
$20 for members living in all other countries. Additional persons liv at the
address of a Regular Member may join for $1/year; -- all such "affiliate"
members receive only one issue per year of STRATEGIST, namely
election issue. To join, send a check or postal money order to Geo Phillies,
87-6 Park Avenue. Worcester MA 01605, payable to "SGS' for the
requisite amount.
Articles for STRATEGIST should be sent to the Editor, George
Phillies, 87-6 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA 01605, phillies@wpi.edu
Electronic submissions via EMail in plain ASCII format are * preferred *.
Electronic submissions via MS-DOS disk are * acceptable except for short
want ads, handwritten material is *not acceptable and will not be used for
publication. The Editor will report a list of volunteer typists for
handwritten material, when such volunteers become available. Typed or
laser printed material should be prepared in 4" columns in 10-point
proportional type, single-spaced, paragraphs Indented with no space
between paragraphs. The Editor has final Editorial control over
STRATEGIST and may edit material for spatial or stylistic reasons.
Unused manuscripts will be returned to the author a stamped self-
addressed envelope is provided by the author.
now available for SGS Members. Costs are $4 each for Volume I (1953-
1977) and its Addenda, Volume II (1978-1983), Volume III (1984-1988),
and Volume IV (1989-1995). The four volumes list publisher, year of
publication, and descriptive data on tile historlical period, scale of the
game, and scale of a typical unit counter. The four volumes jointly
describe more than 2000 published board wargames.
BACK ISSUES OF STRATEGIST remain available as it service
to members. Many back issues are available, going back to the foundin
years of the Strategy Gaming Society. The following is inaccurate but
updated. We sell out, and I can't update. Beginning with Volume I (1973),
we have many of the following still available V. 1, #3-5.8; V. ' #4, 5,7-12;
V. 3, #3-5; V. 4, #1-3, 5-12; V.5 all; V.6, 1-5, 7,9-12; V.7, # 1 -4, 6,7,10,
12; V. 8, #2, 4, 9-11; V. 9, # 1, 10; V. 10, # 1 -4, 7,-11; V. #1, 3-12; V. 12,
#1-6, 8, 10-12; V. 13,1,3,5-12; V. 14, #1-10. Some more recent issues are
also available. $1.25 each. THE WARGAMER's ENCYCLOPEDIAC
DICTIONARY is a truly unique item, w/ definitions and some longer
essays for over 400 words and phrases.
From munchkin to grognard, from AA to Zone of Control, this $4
volume provides a thorough coverage of our hobby's slang and history.
Rewards of Serving the
Recruit a new member- extend your own
membership! For every new member you recruit to the SGS (people
whose membership has lapsed also count), one month is added to your
Write for STRATEGIST - extend your
membership. For every 2/3 of a page of your material physically
published in STRATEGIST, one month will be added to your
membership. New member bonus - discount coupons from game
companies on request. Include your request with your dues.
The four-digit number xxyy on your mailing label is your expiration
date with xx the year, yy the month. Expirations after 12/99 read 99y, with
yy > 12 being months after January 1999, e.g., 9917 = May 2000
© Copyright 1973-2005 by George Phillies and SGS
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