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Napoleon and the Jews Lecture by Dr. Ben Weider The Spanish Defence of the Americas, 1762-1807 examines frontier defence forces in part 7 of a series. Spanish Troops Sent to the Americas chronicles 1811-1814. In Spanish. Virreynato del Peru 1797 Uniform guide to the Dragones de San Juan de Lurigancho. Some Argentine Troops of 1806-07 uniform information. Los Husares de la Gran Guardia Chile 1813 profile. In Spanish. Flags from the Artigas Era Of Uruguay and surrounding states 1811-1820. Battle of Sahagan details the December 21 1808 battle. Prussian Infantry Tactics from 1792 to 1815 Starts the series with The Development from the End of Frederick The Great's Reign to the Campaign of 1806. Prussian Infantry Tactics from 1792 to 1815 Part 2 of the series with tactial Aspects of the 1806 Campaign. Brief Look at Napoleonic Tactics Explains the drills. Concerning Cannon Balls Explains the effectivenss of artillery. Bavarian and Westphalian Armies 1799-1815 (book) Review The Relief of Danzig 1807 Offers a Napoleonic scenario. Hincliffe Models Inc.: 25mm 7YW, Ancient Britons/Romans, 15mm Napoleonics Review Finding Your Level Examines the multiple levels of details available with Napoleonic miniatures rules. The Bombay Marine Profiles the navy of India 1793-1815. Prussian Landwehr and Landsturn 1813-15 (book) Napoleonic Rules Review Introduction Reviews a quartet of rules: Generalship Napoleonics, Battalionmasse, Empire (3rd), and Vive L'Empereur. Napoleonic Wargaming for Fun (book) Review A Bit of Napoleon Allied Attacks and Battle of Dresden 1813. Battle of Rocquefort Vendee Revolt 1794. Friendly Fire at Waterloo Peter Hofschroer comments on two instances. Opportunity Target Major J.W. Drage, RA, analyzes events in Egypt 1798-1801. Prussian 1815 Campaign: 18th June 1815 Prussian 1815 Campaign: 19th June 1815 Prussian 1815 Campaign: 20th June 1815 The 23rd (Royal Welsh Fusileers) At the Battle of Albuera 16th May 1811, by Colin Rogers. An Overseas Excursion Collooney Bicentennial. Marshal Louis Alexandre Berthier Another in the Fighting Marshals series. By Ian Barstow. Napoleonic Anecdotes 1: How Lannes Fell Napoleonic Anecdotes 2: Berthier Commentary: 1815 The Waterloo Campaign A look at Peter Hofschröer's book. Imperial Wrath Mémoires du Général Baron Thiébalt with Napoleon's ire at Gen. Legendre. First in the Field Berry Head Forts Admiralty Library at Royal Naval Museum Naval Chronicle The Book: Part 2 Poet's Corner
Section 2: Defenses of Holland Section 3: Order of Battle: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Divisions Part 2: The Dutch During The Revolutionary Wars The Prussian Campaign in Holland 1787. Battle of Montereau: Background, Early Campaign, Prelude Battle of Montereau: Opposing Forces, Ground, Deployments Battle of Montereau: The Battle Battle of Montereau: Order of Battle Action at Halle The 17 October 1806 battle. Battle of Orthez 27 February 1814 battle. Marshal Jean-Baptiste Jourdan Another in the Fighting Marshals series. Is your Command under Control? Generalship, Leadership, and Rules. NA 1999 Programme of Events Napoleonic Fair 21 February 1999 Wargaming in the NA Norman Cross Eagle NA Secretariat Join the NA Waterloo Committee AGM 1805 Club NA Research Conferences The Battle of Rolica The French defensive action 17 August 1808. Anglo-Russian Landings in Holland Part 7: The 1799 invasion. Prime Your Pan! Modern Napoleonic fiction. Uniforms of the Neapolitan Army 1806-1815 Part 2: Cavalry and Artillery. Gallantry and Discipline Part 4: Analysis of the legendary British infantry. Figure Review: Bicorne Miniatures 25mm Austrians Game Review: Napoleon's First Battles The Burning of the White House The British take Washington in the War of 1812. Anglo-Russian Landings in Holland Part 6: The 1799 invasion. The Swedish Artillery Organization, uniforms, and equipment. Uniforms of the Neapolitan Army 1806-1815 Part 1: Line and Light Infantry. Gallantry and Discipline Part 3: Analysis of the legendary British infantry. Go Hang a Monkey! Hartlepool gets tough with a French spy. Indian Brigade 1815 Composition during the Waterloo campaign. Prime Your Pan! Development of the Russian Jagers. Book Review: Napoleonic Uniforms (Elting) Book Review: Cavalry in the Waterloo Campaign Book Review: The Leipzig Campaign of 1813 Battle of Gefrees The 1809 action. Anglo-Russian Landings in Holland Part 5: The 1799 invasion. 95th Regiment of Foot A brief history and profile: 1803-1815. Prussian Generals 1813 A pronounciation list. Gallantry and Discipline Part 2: Analysis of the legendary British infantry. One Man's Meat Wargaming enjoyment with an "event generator." Magnetic Personality Magnetic bases for wargaming. In-Formation Troop deployments. Three Book Reviews: With Eagles to Glory (and more) Run They Did Not The Ghurka Wars 1814-1816. Battle of Neumarkt The 1809 action. Anglo-Russian Landings in Holland Part 4: The 1799 invasion. The Maida Campaign A Brief History of Sir John Stuart's Campaign in the Calabrian Peninsular. Fever Islands: Part 4 Sources. Borodino on the Kitchen Table 2mm gaming. One's Own Army 5mm gaming. Prime Your Pan! Black Powder wheezes. Gallantry and Discipline Part 1: Analysis of the legendary British infantry. Review: Austerlitz 1805 Video Review: Lutzen and Bautzen: Napoleon's Spring Campaign of 1813 Book Mud and Guts Analysis of the British failure at the Battle of New Orleans (1815). The Art of War Of Revolutionary France 1789-1802 Book review. Review of Carnage and Glory Computer Moderated Napoleonics Game. Smolensk 1812 Miniatures Battle Report. Review: The Foundry 25mm Napoleonic (figures) Review: Redoubt 25mm ACW and Napoleonic (figures) Battle of Peschiera 6 August 1796 battle. Sharpe's Weapons the real weapons used by fictional hero Richard Sharpe. The Storming of Badajoz details the assault. Peninsula Sources source material to analyze battles in Spain and Portugal. Quatre Bras: The Unexpected Battle offers an analysis of Wellington's deviousness. The Liberation of Malta reports on a island re-enactment. 1798: Last Invasion of British Isles Part 2 traces the Fanco-Irish force and the British response. Book Review Reviews of books from authors Nafziger, Nosworthy, and Muir. Napoleonic Fair 1999 Ian Fletcher Battlefleld Tours Wellington's Army in the Peninsula Course News of the Norman Cross Eagle Appeal Association of Friends of the Waterloo Committee The Dawson Napoleonic Collection Ottoman Cavalry Units Part 1 in a series about Ottoman cavalry during the Napoleonic era. Suvarileri, Sipahis, and Garrison Troops. Ottoman Cavalry Tactics Reputation and the employment of mounted troops. Just How Many Horsemen Were There? Analysis of the recruitment and strategic deployments of Ottoman cavalry. Ottoman Network News Ottoman boardgame and miniatures. Ottoman Book Review Reviewed: Ottoman Warfare 1500-1700. 1787-1789 Military History of the Ottoman Empire 1790-1799 Military History of the Ottoman Empire 1800-1809 Military History of the Ottoman Empire 1810+ Military History of the Ottoman Empire Applause for the Art of War of Revolutionary France Book News Napoleon in the Holy Land Book News Applause for 1815: The Waterloo Campaign Book News Col. John R. Elting (Ret) Bio 'David Chandler's Expertise is Incontestable' Beer and Pretzel Napoleonic Rules Sand Pit: La Haye Sainte excerpts a Waterloo veteran's memoirs. Navies of the Napoleonic Era (book) Review System 7 Napoleonics (rules) Review La Bataille De Friedland Napoleonic battle board wargame review. Jena: Napoleon Conquers Prussia Napoleonic battle board wargame review. Two Short Reviews Napoleonic battle Vittoria 1813 and WWII Arnhem board wargame reviews. Age of Sail Napoleonic naval computer wargame. Alexandria 1801 Napoleonic board wargame. Back to Jan-Feb-Mar 1999 Subject Article Posting Index Back to Subject Article Posting List (by Quarter) Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Coalition Web, Inc. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |