KTB #109

Table of Contents
January 1995

The President's Corner Editorial
News Variety of Sharkhunter Information.
Bulletin Board Submarine News 1995.
Another Update on ‘The Gangster' Holtring and U-604.
U-Boat and Submarine Factoids Variety of Information.
U-889 Photo.
U-Boat Refueling Locations and supply ships.
U-116 Profile and History.
U-117 Profile and History.
U-118 Profile and History.
U-119 Profile and History.
Type XIV German U-Boat Profile and History.
U-172 and Jacobson? Connections.
More on U-550 Machinemaat Gunther Heder.
Peter's Page U-234 and Passengers Bound for Japan.
Far East U-Boats U-862: Uranium or Mercury?
Abandoned Balloon Captures Submarine WWI British G-11
'Silent' Otto RADM Otto Kretchmer
History of the Japanese Submarine Navy Part 6: Ro-1, Ro-3
The Men from U-995 [Hans-Jorge Hess] Book Review
The ”Black” Ships Triton, Uruguay, and Ourang Medan
Jude and Ultra: Enigma Code and Bletcheley Park (end).
Count Dracula Hans Trojer, Skipper of U-221
Kplt Heinrich Bleichrodt Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub
History of the Italian Submarine Navy Giacinto Pullino
Seelenstärge U-Boat Slang
Akula WWII Soviet Submarine
Other Actions WWII Italian and Japanese Submarines
Numerals in Messages Standard Submarine Phraseology
The First Woman In Submarine History Clara Barton
German Secret Weapons of WWII Hurrikankanone
Most Japanese Tonnage and Ships Sunk in WWII USS Flasher and USS Tautog
Tomonaga and U-234 Japanese WWII Sub Technology
To Die or Not to Die WWII Japanese Surrender?
8th Largest Ship Sunk by a Submarine U-562 and Strathallan
First Diesel Boat Engine 1912
Alexander Ivanovitch Marinesko and C-13 WWII Soviet Submariner
Operation Caesar German Biber: Midget Submarines

The Way It Was

The Royal Navy More HMS Sealion.
U.S. Submarines: A Technological History Part 3: Development Prior to WWI
USN Submarines S-17.
Mystery Attack 24 February, 1943.
Battle Damage IJN Taiho.
USN Sub saved by I.J.N. Depth-Charges USS Lapon
No Chit! 1939 Alcohol Regulation
Who Sank that Brazilian Battleship? WWII U-boats?
U-Boats of the Bundsmarine 3rd U-Bootgeschwader
USS Cabot Is Saved...Or is She?.
Balkon Gerät and S-Gerät Answers, Please.
Meeting New Members Short Bios.
Sharkhunters Everywhere Meetings At Random.
On Eternal Patrol Obituaries
The Library Grows Donations to the research center.
Years Ago 5 and 10 years ago in the pages of KTB.
Happy Birthday Members' Birthdays.
Membership Pride! Letters to the Editor.

Large Cover (59K) U-462 Milch-Kuh (Submarine Tanker) finishes loading at the dock in Lorient before heading out to sea to replenish and refeul Frontboots. The life expectancy of any "Milk Cow" was short indeed.

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© Copyright 1995 by Sharkhunters International, Inc. and Harry Cooper

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