The President's Corner


by Harry Cooper

October of 1994 was a GREAT month for new Members; as there were 98 NEW MEMBERS in this month!

To all who have helped recruit new SHARKHUNTERS Members; MANY THANKS- and we hope YOU are winning the Contest.

Thoughts at Christmas

I realize this issue of our KTB Magazine will reach you in January, and Christmas 1994 will be a piece of history itself but I wanted to use the space to say THANK YOU to all our SHARKHUNTERS Members, whether long-term Members or newcomers just on board. Your support, through your annual dues, donations etc help us pay the postage, the printer, electric and telephone bills etc, and keep our SHARKHUNTERS ever growing.

A Special Thanks to the Veterans of both sides of the War who have sent their stories and memories, as well as those who unselfishly hand-signed the limited edition fine art prints and books etc that we make available to our Members.

Thanks to YOU, to all our Members, we continue to grow and tell this history for future generations of historians who will want HONEST history.

As I said, I know that Christmas is already past when you receive this, but in the spirit of the season, let me pass on a warm thought from our very good friend OBLT HANS-GEORG HESS (125-LIFE-1985) in a Christmas Greetings he sent here addressed to ALL SHARKHUNTERS FRIENDS:

Best wishes and compliments for all friends - a new kind of SHARKHUNTERS Christmas, comparable with the hours of Christmas Eve submerged with U-995 near Murmansk in the end of 1944, fifty years ago, or on board of other submarines.”

From all of us here at SHARKHUNTERS HQ to each and every Member, we hope you had a splendid Christmas and will have a fantastic New Year as we begin our 13th year in February of 1995.

Deep Appreciation!

For the past couple years of our SHARKHUNTERS KTB Magazine as well as the first two issue of the FB Magazine of EAGLEHUNTERS, PEN HARMS has done all the typesetting for both our great publications. PEN is the wife of NORM HARMS (2215-A-1992) of SHARKHUNTERS and (4-1994) of EAGLEHUNTERS; and she did all this hard work voluntarily, so I want to say: THANK YOU PEN!

This was a necessary, although time-consuming way to get our Magazines typeset since we did not have the capabilities here at HQ. It was a tedious and costly procedure.

First, I would rough out what we wanted to say;

Then I mailed the rough copy and a computer disc to Pen in California, ten pages at a time. This went by overnight express mail at a cost of ten bucks or more each time;

Pen typeset the pages, FAXed them back here for corrections;

I FAXed back with any necessary corrections;

Pen made the corrections, then sent the ‘hard copy’ back to us again via overnight express - another ten bucks or more each time.

As you see, all this took time and cost approximately $40 to $50 per month in postage. That’s no longer the way we will do either the KTB of SHARKHUNTERS or the FB of EAGLEHUNTERS. We will save this money and more important, we will save a lot of transit time back and forth between Florida and California, so there is a much better chance your KTB Magazine will arrive on time.


How is it possible for us to typeset our two Magazines here at HQ now? Thanks to another of our great Members, BILL CUSTER (1764-A/LIFE-1991) SHARKHUNTERS & EAGLEHUNTERS (100-LIFE-1994) we can do all the typesetting right here at HQ and save all that time wasted in the mail. BILL and his wife Juanita own some computer stores and they donated the high-tech programs we needed to do all this work here. MANY THANKS to MR. FLOPPY!

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© Copyright 1995 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles articles are available at
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