Bulletin Board

Submarine News 1995

by Harry Cooper


Is a new adventure series on American TV, starring wrestling legend ‘HULK’ Hogan and Chris Lemmon - but our SEAL CHIEF JIM WATSON (2028-1991) pictured here is the technical advisor for the series. Good job, CHIEF - this is a fun series to watch.

Reinhard Heydrich

Member MYLES YOUNG (3713-1994) would like to know where he could buy a biography of Heydrich. Who can give us any information about any book on Heydrich? The name of the author? The name of the publishing company? Anything at all would be appreciated. Thanks.

Emblems Book

The excellent book on conning tower emblems by GEORG HÖGEL (240-1987) has gone out of print many years ago, but GEORG is trying to convince his publisher to re-print this great book. We will inform you if he is successful getting his book reprinted, and will tell you how to buy one.

Hans-Günther Lange

Member JOHN SHORTER (290-1990) would like to know if this Skipper of U-711 is still alive. Who can tell us? Thanks.


For the college football fan, this is the name of the team from University of Alabama. for RICHARD HENRICK (2568-1992), it the title of the book he wrote that has turned into a feature movie.

This is the fictional story of the boomer boat, USS ALABAMA and her Skipper who, like the former coach of the Alabama football team, is nicknamed the Bear. Gene Hackman plays the Skipper and Denzel Washington is his XO.

In this fictional story, there is a mutiny aboard this super-boomer boat against the Skipper. The film will be released on 28 July, 1995. It promises to be a good show.

RICHARD writes that he was very impressed with the equipment and the quality of the sailors. Many thanks for this update RICH; we’ll be watching.

‘Yesterday’s Enemies’

US NAVY veteran BILL BAUR (293-1994) served aboard USS MUIR (DE-770) in the War, and he was host to Hubert Lehrmann, Electricians Mate from U-234 recently. U-234 was the big TYPE X-B cargo boat that surrendered in the US at the end of the War, with a cargo of high-tech items like two Me 262 jet fighters in crates and the technological data for the Japanese to build them; several scientists including DR HEINZ SCHLICKE (1820-1991) and they carried 560 kilos of Uranium, which the Imperial Japanese Army planned to use in their own atomic bomb.

Yesterday’s enemies - today’s friends.

Back ‘Home’ Aboard the EAGLE

As most historians know, the US COAST GUARD training ship EAGLE was once the KRIEGSMARINE training ship HORST WESSEL. After the War, the three-masted barque was taken over by the US and completely refitted and is a beautiful ship today. In his early days as a cadet in the KRIEGSMARINE, DETLEV ZIMMERMANN (247-LIFE-1987) trained aboard the HORST WESSEL. Now, as a US citizen, LT DETLEV ZIMMERMANN of the USCG Auxiliary, spent some time aboard the EAGLE.

Israeli Sub Still Missing

After 27 years. The submarine DAKAR radioed that all systems were GO as she rounded Gibraltar into the Mediterranean and just disappeared! 69 men disappeared with her - and to this day, no one knows what happened to this boat.

The signals, just a quick code of two beeps meant to let HQ know all was well, stopped coming on 25 January, 1968. What happened to this submarine on her homeward voyage from the yard in England? No one knows, but there are several theories, but nothing more. Human error? Equipment failure? Who knows....

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© Copyright 1995 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
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