reviewed by Rod Burr
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A FISTFULL OF MINIATURES is a new set of rules for 15mm ancient and medieval historical and fantasy battles. The author's intent is to provide a very simple set of rules that will allow games to be played with as many figures as possible. While provisions are included for fantasy creatures and wizards, in addition to more historical troops,the presence of fantasy types is not intended to make major changes in the way a battle is resolved. The mechanics used in the rules are reminiscent of the ROYAL ARMIES OF THE HYBOREAN AGE, BROADSWORD, and LEGION rules published by FGU. Units consist of multifigure stands and all combat, etc., is resolved by stands rather than by individual figures. The suggested mounting is4 figures per stand for infantry and 2 figures for cavalry, with a 30mm frontage per stand for cavalry and heavy infantry and 40mm per stand for light infantry or heavies with two-handed swinging weapons. The author states that other base sizes can be used and/or different numbers of figures. The actual number of figures is significant only for visual effect; the relative frontages of the different troop types is the critical factor since everything is resolved by stand. For WRG style basing, it would be best to use 1 element for cavalry or close order infantry stands, 1 1/2 elements for light and open order infantry. There are two armor (light and heavy) and three morale classes. Weapons come in three classes: Vunder (2 handed weapons, pikes, and lances); missile (bows, long bows and crossbows), and hand weapons (everything else). Movement in the game is sequential. The highest initiative die roll, modified by the player's leader's rating, at the beginning of the turn, allows the player to choose to move first or second for the turn. For charges, the charging player moves his units half their charge distance before the defender is allowed to react. After the defending unit reacts (countercharges, changes formation, etc.), if it has not been contacted in the first half, the charger's move is completed. Both missile and melee casualties are determined by the same method but with different divisors. An average die roll with modifiers is multiplied by the number of stands fighting and then divided by 20 for missile, or 10 for melee casualties in stands. Tables are included as appendices that cross reference number of stands with modified die rolls for players with weak arithmetic skills. All troops (infantry and cavalry) shoot and melee two ranks deep. Melee resolution is based on units taking morale checks following the melee. The side that took the most losses in the melee checks first, with the winner only required to do so if the loser passes. No provisions are included in the rules for use of orders or for significant command control restrictions. Leaders are rated from +1 to +3 and can add this amount to the movement, morale, and combat die rolls of the unit to which they are attached. Wizards only have a +1 effect, but can use this on any units within 6" of their figure. Morale must be checked following melee, whenever a unit suffers casualties, and to rally from a rout. This is done by adding two dice and comparing the modified total with a table based on the unit's morale level. A unit that recovers from rout or chooses not to pursue after winning a melee regains 1 stand of losses, except its first stand lost. Troops that win a melee have the option instead to pursue (called a breakthrough in many rules) by wheeling up to 90 degrees and then charging the move. Optional advance rules included with AFFOM include expanding armor classes from 2 to4, adding a special class for pikes, and others. Overall this book can be recommended to those looking for quick rules for use with a large number of figures. The rules are really oriented to the beginning player and include an introductory section on getting started. The rules are fairly short (15 pages for the basic rules) and well organized. Two pull-out charts on card stock should allow play of the game without frequent references to the rules book. The rules include a number of delightful cartoons and illustrations that should help the players remember not to take their games too seriously. A FISTFULL OF MINIATURES by Jayson Gralewicz is published by North Shore Press, 38127 North Shore Ave., Waukegan, IL 60087, for $6.95 plus $1 for postage and handling. More Reviewing Stand
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