reviewed by Nick Nascati
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Overall, the figures are excellently detailed. The ECW figures being marginally better than the Landsknechts, they may have been done by a different designer. The catalog is rather confusing in its layout, in that the ECW figures are all listed under 30mm, and the Landsknechts under 25mm, though both seem to me to be the same size. They are at the same height but of a slighter build than Hinchliffe's 25mm figs., and decidedly smaller than Wargames Foundry or Essex. At present, both lines consist only of infantry, so consider ordering samples to compare with your present forces before investing a lot of money. The Landsknechts have separate heads and weapons, thus making it possible to vary the figures quite a bit. The armor and clothing are well done and clean of flash. Landsknechts are always fun to paint. The ECW figures appear to be done more with skirmish games in mind, as the poses are rather out of the ordinary. Price wise, the figures are surprisingly reasonable. The Landsknechts with the choice of heads and weapons, are .25 pence; about 40 cents, while the ECW figures are .20 pence, or about .35 cents. Even adding in overseas airmail postage makes these figures still a bargain when you consider the high quality you are getting. I highly recommend these figures and I hope that they will give some stimulus to skirmish games in this period. More Reviewing Stand
Essex 15mm Macedonians and Thracians Whittlesey Miniatures English Civil War and Landsknects Standard Miniatures Medieval Figures Irregular Miniatures 5mm War of the Roses Munro Miniatures 25mm Medieval Falcon Miniatures 25mm Western Barbarians Wargames Foundry Franco-Prussian Figures Lyzard's Grin 25mm Siege Equipment Greenfield 25mm Castle Keep Little Mini Shops 1/285 Scenary Irregular Miniatures Medievals A Fistfull of Miniatures Ancient & Medieval Rules Marlburian Warfare 1702-1714 Wargame Rules Napoleonic Wargame Rules Free Trade and Sailors' Rights War of 1812 Book Wurttemberg Army 1793-1815 Booklet Revo 15mm/25mm Flags Raider 1775 Fighting Instructions for Age of Sail Raider Games Navy Lists Age of Sail, Vol. VII 1787-1791 Festung Krieg Supplement Vauban 1680-1820 Arquebusier Compendia Armory Camouflage Paints Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VII #6 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1987 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |