by Russ Lockwood
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Here are all the other comments inserted into our survey. As before, my responses are in itallics. I really enjoy Magweb, and always am excited when a new listing appears in the current uploads section. Don't neglect the horse and musket period and don't neglect small conflicts and less known military operations. Try to publish unpublished articles, maybe a special sections calling for papers with usual publishing guidelines and rules... Sort out the conversations page.
When you have a limited amount of issues for any one mag, it would be nice to tell in its area why that is -- mag died after this date, stopped sending you things, etc., so one doesn't wonder. I think does an excellent job of providing the service advertised. The index page could be a little more pleasing to the eye, but it is very functional. I like, though it's frustrating waiting for MWAN 117 as I know there's an article I really want in it. This is one of the best investments I have made in a looooong time. Stop with the personal reviews of events, meetings, conferences, etc. it is a waste of time and space. I just want magazines. Get more classic Featherstone, Jack Scruby, old Couriers, etc More color ie uniforms I don't like the questions about "World events." Keep up the good work! Why not include the ads from the mags - especially stuff like the SUTLER'S WAGON in MWAN which I miss. For some with no gaming store for 100 miles, this is the only way to learn about new rules, figures, paints etc... Your core business is the mags. Focus on putting back issues on-line and forget all the other services. That would allow you to increase the price, though it is high for an internet service.
Please try to sign up more of the war/boardgaming fanzines that are published and have been published over the years Great work. Time has kept me from spending as much time on here recently as I'd like, but the time spent on here is always productive. I enjoy using has assisted me on several occassion with doing research. I also utilize MagWeb when preparing wargame scenarios. Of course I answered the US-centered questions but my answers are those of a bloody foreigner, so left to caution.. Continue and expand interface between active wargamers and military historians who rarely if ever play wargames. The biggest complaint I have -- and it is not that big -- is that your scanning occasionally misses some words, and this can be irksome in some cases - particularly if the word it should be is not intuitively obvious.
I will point out that since everything is in electronic format, you can always copy the text off the browser and paste it into your word process and run a spell check to get a clean copy. Again, keep adding issues of out of print magazines The questions on Battles is to broad for this survrey, My opions about threats are irrevelevent. For some reason I can't print off complete articles from Magweb mags - it gets to about 3 pages, and then crashes.
I like the down home feel of the editor's chats, book reviews, "bragging." It gives MagWeb a feel somewhat akin to MWAN. One suggestion - offer an annual indexed CD of all articles issued in the past year. Keep up the great work you've Magweb is an excellent service. I start any research I have to do right here. Some of the scans of charts and tables could be clearer. Overall a great value.
Can you get Wargamer's Digest? I love the old magazines and articles. Back issues of Lone Warrior, MWAn, Courier etc. How about getting the UK's Society of Ancients wargaming/history CD and offering it via Magweb...and The Slingshot. I've sold all my old magazines and have decided to use Magweb. I'm very happy with the way things are and will contine to renew. Great job. Keep up the good work. Too new to say. Polls are fun, and you should do a few every month establish sense community. Get rid of right-wing slant. Automobile donations article - not accurate.
Please, please, do something about making the search engine more useful.
Your political questions presume U.S. citizenship. I am a Canadian and therefore have a slightly different world view. As interesting as the responses may be, I'm not sure the data you're collecting is of any marketing value. I consider your service to be a model for the new information economy. I will not pay for a site with a single magazine or journal but a "value added" site like Magweb should continue to do well. It would be nice to see if local and state historical publications. I'm still scratching my head over question 17, it seems like you assume that all of your subscribers are from the USA. And question 23 beggars belief, it implies that if enough people think its ok torture is acceptable. Morally this is a very dangerous. The political questions you are asking seem so weird. New Zealand currently has troops stationed in -- and dying in -- Timor doing UN work. Fiji and Indonesia figure hign on MY areas of international worry. It is a very different international perspective. Dump Pakistan at War - self serving crap from a nation that supports terrorism. Who needs it? Limit Sci Fi fantasy- stay away from re-enactors - too much of this on the WEB already.
Great service, I could wish for more complete sets of magazines, rather than shotgun effect of issue 45, 58, 72, etc. Plus the biggies like Moves, The General, etc. I'd like more information about History, Campaigns, Armies etc. and less about Games
I subscribe to Magweb for wargame articles. I feel there has been too much emphasis given to history only articles, news events and book reviews lately. I gotten great info from Magweb in the past, but not lately. Still, it is less than the price of print magazines.
Liked the operation cartwheel download - add more. Keep up the great work. The "extras" are a waste. Either you are adding hobby data, or historical data, or you are wasting band width.
As a Victorian Colonial lover, I wish there was more available, but that's not your fault. In all, I consider MagWeb a valuable resource and will continue to support it and recommend it to my friends. A great resource, and a great idea that will stand or fall by the volume and quality of content coming in. Glad you've survived the collapse. Simple banner ads would be acceptable, but install pop-up or persistant "sticky" ads and you lose.
Good job Russ, your site is one of the best ideas of the Internet-craze period. How about a section describing world military history in brief. From the earliest beginnings to now.
I love the service basicly as is. Over-all, it's fantastic! Proofreading could be improved, but that's minor. It would be nice to do a search just within a particular pub., but this may not be possible. I really like Time Portal Passages' listing the basic contents. Keep up the good work I have enjoyed the site for years now and have learned much about the periods I am most interested in without the hassle of ads like when ONEList converted to Yahoo. I hate Yahoo! Just try to get some of the many UK magizines Keep up the geat work. Add The Nugget to your list of magazines. I will never not subscribe. Open to non english magazines ... italian, french, spanish...
Keep up the good work, Russ! We missed you at Little Wars. The search engine should be made so one can be more specific when searching. Nothing much to say, the system works. Did NOT like the world affairs questions in this poll. I do not see why they are at all relevant to Magweb and even less relevant to those of us who live outside the USA. Since you are thinking about increasing proces, can you look into pricing for subscriptions for individual or groups of magazines. The idea would be allowing someone to get 10 Mags for a certain price.
Can we have some specialist magazines on the ACW like those lucky dogs who like Napoleonics - I mean nice colourful uniforms and lots of articles - there is no justice...
I like the service I enjoy it I don't think the solo content is as up to date as it could be. I like the volume of content and the variety though. Good work. This is an excellent resource. My only reason for my response in 27 is that I have only a short-term interest in this access. Keep up the good work, you have saved me hours and days looking for information. I greatly enjoy your service. Have you ever considered a service that would automatically notify a user if something in his profile were added that month. In other words, the search engine would notify me automatically of any new articles added that month. Quantity and quality are hard to balance - you do a pretty good job. Keep it going Russ keep up the good work. You may want to check question G and H on spending habits seem you can only answer one. A unique and valuable resource None Suggest that more attention be paid to filling in back issues of existing publications i.e. MWAN, Courier, etc. rather than adding new magazines with a more limited audience.
Re: pricing. Have you thought of an approach where you paid for the articles you wanted to download? Secondly, much of the above is political and American centered - so couldn't see much value in it eg I don't care if you guys have the draft or not.
My answer was pay one price, read all you want. Actually, it was patterned after Six Flags amusement park where you paid one price and rode all the rides you wanted for the day. If you don't like a few articles, there's tens of thousands more to choose from. No meter is running. No worrying about getting skunked by a bad selection and having to call and get a credit. Let's face it. I can deliver an entire years worth of articles for $5 (soon $6.50) per month, or about a penny an article--how much of a discount can you get on a penny? MORE MORE MORE! Great stuff, always on. Keep up the good work. Still love it...not Charter but LifeTime Member...don't go away on me now...Also, answers above in Country question are for gov't in power currently , not the people as a whole... You are doing a remarkable job, and I've always felt I've gotten my money's worth. Excalibur What on earth do questions 17 to 23 have with military history or wargaming? Frankly I find them slightly sinister. Search Engine The questions about US policy have no place here. This is not a US specific site. I like MAGWEB. It's a great resource, and a chance to read magazines I could probably never find in a store or subscribe to. The only improvement I would like to see is even more magazines. Keep it up guys -- don't forget us boys in the UK Thank you for providing otherwise hard to get material. Need to Complete Sets. For example, SYWA's newsletter should be complete.
The search engine athough improved is still weird compared to the other search engines I've used. I'm pretty pleased by and large, wish you could get more, especially wargames illustrated, love mwan, wish it was more timely, saga, courier-all great as far as I am concerned. Not really interested in your enemy of the United States. I'm a charter member and have found MagWeb to be tremendously useful over the years. It's a great service and I really appreciate it.
Great job. I am not in the least interested in where your executives go or what they are doing or even who they are, but it bothers me when there are no new postings for a week because of some trade show in the back of beyond which you are attending.
My only suggestion would be to jazz up the site some...well as much as possible, without totally killing performance.
Great Job, keep it up. Excellent resource. As you can see, a wide range of comments. Thank you all for your feedback! --Russ Lockwood, CEO, War, Warfare, and
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