by Russ Lockwood
![]() | Specific FeedbackThe following were asking members to rate various aspects of's archive. We're always keen on seeing the results of these questions because we pinpoint areas that need improving. Selection of Articles Analysis In some ways, this is out of our hands, as we post what the magazines print. However, when it comes to back issues, we try to get to each publication, although we choose one or two back issues based on what's going around: might be a movie release, new book, new war zone, etc. It's a subtle thing, and if we are doing our job right, you're happy with our archive. From the above, It looks like we hit the mark 2/3 of the time, and got close about 20% of the time. Ease of Finding What You Want Analysis We have four ways of finding information: (1) by magazine, (2) by subject, (3) search engine, and (4) new issues posted by reverse chronological order. It's served us well, and I'm not too sure how much better we can make the process. We upgraded our search engine in July (we looked at a dozen different ones last year before settling on the existing one), so we've been keeping up with the Jones', so to speak. We're open to suggestions, especially from the 4% expressing disapproval. We'll see. Speed of Article Download Analysis With all you folks moving to high-speed access, I'd expect this number to be pretty good, and it is. We'll continue to use our existing processes to make sure the information continues to get to you as quickly as possible. And, we'll continue to warn you if a particular file is "slow," "very slow," or "monstrously slow," etc. Overall Article Layout and Links Analysis This goes to the heart of the interface. We'd be hard-pressed to change it--we'd need a heckuva reason to do so after almost seven years. We don't use frames (though we experimented with them early on) or fancy graphics or convoluted tree structures. We present the information as quickly as possible in as close to the printed style as possible, although adapted to the screen. And it seems you're happy with our ergonomics. Anecdote: At the last trade show, a member stopped by to say hello. As we fell to chatting about how he liked, he mentioned that he'd like to see a snazzier, fancier, more colorful and graphic interface...then quick as a wink, he stopped himself and noted it would probably take more time to download and navigate around. Next, before I could say a word, he said he took that last comment back and advised me not to change a thing -- because compared to other web sites, was super fast to get around and download articles. Well, that encapsulates my thought process exactly. I could toss in big spinning logos and wild graphical arrays, etc., etc., etc., like other sites. They look good, but for all of us not on broadband connections, they stink because they're slow. I figure time is more important to you than fancy logos, so we at will continue to be a real scrooge of a company when it comes to file size. Membership Price Analysis This was very even across the first three, with Excellent pulling slightly ahead of Very Good for the first time. But it seems part of the the Very Good crowd slipped into the Good rating. Not to worry...we're still increasing the price come January 1, 2003. I actually thought, biased as I am, that this would be a "higher" rating, so to speak. In 1999, we were delivering about 19 issues per month, versus 25 issues per month in 2002. Yet the rating is the same. Hmmm. A third more information without a third more applause. I guess we've "raised the bar" over the years so you expect more. Fair enough. But we'll be asking for more in return. Overall Value of MagWeb Analysis It seems that 2/3 to 3/4 of the time, we're bang on target. And most of the rest of the time we're doing OK. No Unsatisfactory is a good thing... Of some puzzlement is the 11.22% No Answer. As you can see from above, roughly 5% of the folks didn't answer these questions (must be they were in it for the prize!), and this number doubled for this question. Repetitious Question? Didn't understand the question? Didn't want to vote Unsatisfactory? Couldn't find the category that ranked higher than "Excellent"? I don't know. Maybe it's just one of these statistical puzzlements. Overall LookIt seems to me that we're doing some things very well and we should keep doing so. As always, I often wonder how can attract even more members because the ones that are here seem pretty happy. That's why we go to shows--to demo the archive--and why we have sample articles--to show the tip of our ever-expanding archive iceberg. Would you recommend to a friend? Analysis When you make a recommendation to a friend, you're not only putting the product on the line, you're putting yourself on the line as well. A 97.07% Yes rating is very, very heartfelt. Incidently, the 1999 number was 97.3%, so we're consistent. Give a Friend a Membership? Analysis Hmmm. 97% recommend, but 40% would give a gift of A bit of a surprise here. My guess here is that a gift of is too, well, "ethereal." We understand it doesn't have the same heft or immediate visual effect of a book or game or something in a box. Maybe that's something to investigate...different packaging? Maybe with some sample magazines inside? Pricier, though. Maybe it's something we can do on our end with a card that's mailed? War, Warfare, and
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