by Russ Lockwood
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Napoleon is alledged to have said something like, "Never wake me with good news, but call me immediately with bad news." So I look particularly close at these comments because these are directly related to things we should be looking at to make even better. I though some needed a response, so these are in itallics. Sometimes, unrelated topics are in the same comment. If I answer just one topic, theother is usually covered in a previous response. More articles, more Europa, more MicroMark, more rules More international magazines
No complaints
Typos in the articles. Sometimes graphics like maps are missing.
As for the graphics, 99.9% of them are included in the archive. Sometimes, images are so dark or poorly rendered that even our expertise with Photoshop can't save them. They look bad in the original paper magazine and they look bad in electronic form. I'm not saying that we're perfect, as I expect we sometimes miss a graphic, but certainly nothing crucial. One page articles with many links -- combine into a big article perhaps? Download article plus all related files in one click
Need for consistent updating rather than in batches. The erratic schedule which new issues appear.
Likewise, when holiday seasons approach, we often flog the elves extra hard to meet production quotas for those "days off." So, more issues and articles will be posted than normal in a shorter period of time--a bigger "batch"--so they can do some normal things like shop, spend time with family and friends, and yes, even take a rest and cruise the web for other sites. Group similar articles by type of article in addition to period -- book reviews, etc.,
there are still a few popular mags that haven't signed on yet.
Miss the adverts in the original Mags, also less photos than in original mags.
Quicker addition of back issues - Not interested in book chapters - It would be nice to have more graphics and pictures, if it were possible, sometimes the scanners misread a little too badly
Russ, Tibor & Bill
Still waiting for more Europas to be added to the list, ability to pick own password
Magazines should be scanned faster, get rid useless magazines,
Fill out back issues, more British content "Wargames Illustrated, Practical Wargamer" Search engine, needs a scrollable index
Get even more back issues on-line and drop the other services. I subscribe to the mags, not the other services
Can always have more magazines to choose from Campaigns games, Search engine is poor, needs more recent articles, e.g. PW Review, needs less fluff magazines Pretty good now Search engine still funky, need "Little Wars" 1970-2 mag from TSR, need WI, MW from the Brits even 5-year old issues would be nice Graphics--more! Show production ends on mags that go only so far -- or why they don't. Search Engine, Add After Action Reports, More Rule Reviews, Playtest Reports etc Scanning - many articles have minor but annoying spelling errors, add Wargames Illustrated Search engine, more content, more content Illustrations could be bigger, Maybe a more complete listing of Volumes. The search engine, The questions/answers site has been out of comission for too long. More current issues. Although I know the publishers put restraints on you. More graphics and pics More back issues of out of print mags. I have a whole library of many of them When you click back to the new articles page, the curser is scrolled to the middle of the page, rather than where you were. More magazines Submenu by period A more interactive reader exchange forum
More back issues of out of print magazines. The search engine is the only let-down 1. The search engine 2. the search engine 3. the search engine Search engine. Put in Battle of Hastings and you will get every article with "of" no matter if you ask for all the words together or not.
More uploads, more wargaming, COLOR PIX of toy soldiers or paintings of battles Probably just some expanded meta-indices and more graphics with the articles Faster updates of magazines, and how about some UK magazines None Organize magazines by topic sub directories, show date of last update on public page,
How about updated article indices for each magazine The wait for an issue to be posted MWAN in particular, issues could use an overall index.
As for the index, i.e. similar to a book index, well, a 35,000-40,000 article index would be quite the thing to create. As a guy who did hierarchical indexing for a year way back when, I might be able to create one in about a year if I did nothing else. That's why the search engine is there. Granted, no search engine is perfect, but it is as close as we can come without spending millions of dollars like Yahoo, AltaVista, or Google etc. Well...if enough people join, an index is not a bad idea, but what a thing to create. Search engine, magazines with few copies -- add or clean out, need more Larry comics Search engine, posting delay, irregular schedule Try to get more of the back issues Keep adding new mags and stay on your present course. Slow uploads, not enough back issues being uploaded Cross - subject matching ie. if I am reading about subject X, I should be able to run an automated search on Subject X I'm not sure there are any. I hate SCI Fi- not historical maybe hysterical- more on line catalogs Would be extremely cool if Moves, Fire & Movement, General and S&T were here...
Too much history, book reviews, and general info about magweb
More mags - bonus rate for long time subscibers - more book reviews
And, at last, at least one person who wants more book reviews. You got it! Get the British wargaming mags - more color - get out of print books Search engine, reproduction of graphics Proofreading, search engine specificity, frequency of new postings I would like to see more old issues of MWAN and other magazines added. Search engine N/A Some magazines back issues have not been added to in a long time
It would be nice to have more graphics and pictures, if it were possible, sometimes the scanners misread a little too badly Upload those issues missing from magazines listed. Posting of back Issues of Magazines Search Engine does not return correct results. It's the only really unsatisfactory part of MagWeb. The search engine could use improvement Search engine Proof-reading, more back issues, proof-reading Completion of back issue uploads Magazines from UK Less ww2 , less music , less self advertising I know you're adding content daily, weekly, monthly, but more is always a good thing. Keep up the good work. Gaps need to be filled in magazine lines, perhaps add an on-line garage sale for members a wargame photo gallery and links to wargame figures / accesories manufacturers ... with a Magweb discount. Improve the selection. I want MORE historical titles. Specificity of the search engine. 1.more of the "old" issues of magazine like Europa, Courier etc uploaded. I appreciate that you are doing you're best 2. Adding some excellent "old" magazines like "Gorget & Sash" 3 Including an area for members to review books
1. When you put in an old article that has a second part you need to always put in that second part in a timely manner. 2. I would like to see the Forum active. 3. More good stores like the few you have, maybe some like stores for competition
A little quicker with uploads More articles. I like 'em. Site's a little boring on the eyes, but I understand the speed/load times significance. Article layout is efficient, but pretty stiff.
Title pages too large and slow to download, I find "Last Update" schedule confusing, Mall at Magweb hasn't really gelled.
As for New Postings: New Items Uploaded, this is a reverse chronological listing of the issues and articles we just posted, plus a short description of what you'll find in each issue. Thus, when you come back to week after week, you don't have to guess what's new--this tells you. You click on the issue link and it takes you directly to the table of contents. Number of magazines carried More solo stuff, More Magazines Timely posting, but I suspect that it out of your control. Updated material, more pictures, movement to prior months selections Need more back issues for some of your mag selections Need a spell checker for your OCR, split magazines archive by subject, more mags More orders of battle, search is very hard to refine More facts and figures, can't think of any others Lately too much industry news, not enough history Linking from/to old pages, update of links Add more magazines and small pamphlet type books like Sapherson's. No big books. Improved formatting of articles, more content from long-defunct sources Search engine, search engine, search engine Member too short a time to respond Concentration on maintaining back issues of key titles Filling in gaps in magazines ranges, especially earlier issues The search engine needs refinement. Some mags very old/defunct, some mags not up to date, Image quality, Even more mags, search is a little illogical sometimes, more visuals better maps , more maps , more recent material, rather outside of your control though, eh? Easier cross reference, more product reviews, more diverse shopping Nothing, I am happy with it No comment More on miniatures. More back issues/current issues of current periodicals. Question 6 above, per month should be per year because NONE is too drastic, nothing else. Search Engine...though I would always welcome more board wargaming and general military history articles. Many magazines caried are not the latest ones. I know many have fallen by the wayside but the existing ones need to have the latest versions updated. I like Magweb just fine the way it is. Pictures Fill in the gaps in issues (grin) Quality of scanned images, proof-reading, link checking
No complaints Search engine needs to be more specific No sci-fi stuff More pictures, OCR accuracy, faithful reproduction of tables Waterloo, Breitenfeld and Thirty Years War Search capability through articles Drop all the other services than the magazines themselves and add more magazines Quantity, Illustrations, Scope Scanning gives spelling mistakes, access to back numbers of major wargaming magazines like Wargames Illustrated, Practical Wargamer and Minature Wargames Articles search need improvement - a good discussion forum - more magazines This poll asks for items bought per month. Should be per year or half year. None None. More articles NOT related to war gaming 1. Get the latest issues sooner. 2. Get more links to other sites. 3. Run the ads from the mags
1. Complete runs of title's back issues. 2. Should be able to link all sections of one article together. ie save or print in one go 3. Can we have non-English language magazines included Graphic layout, completeness of issues, cartography More articles, complete backlog of magazines featured War, Warfare, and
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