by Bill Rutherford
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By Reeves and Novak, these rules are published by Ulster Imports, Champaign, IL, for $7.00. Charlie Company is 52 pages long and includes player aid cards. No ground scale is given, but the figure scale is 1:1 and the time scale varies from one to five minutes per turn. It's a fast playing set of rules pitting players, as US/ARVN squad and platoon leaders, against the referee, who controls both the NVA/VC, and the US higher command. Charlie Company is designed for use as a campaign, with players trying to "survive" a tour of duty of up to 12 scenarios. NVA/VC forces are limited in play by strict adherence to preplotted tactical plans and a relative lack of firepower. The US/ARVN players are limited by their general inability to see the enemy. Additionally, fire support from elements outside one's own unit tends to be very iffy. Most game systems (fire combat, casualty determination, spotting, etc.) are based on simple die rolls, with applicable modifiers. Terrain is very important, extensively modifying both fire and movement. The game contains extensive organization information , as well as a very good random scenario generator. There are no morale rules; the designers notes provide the rationale for their absence. The net result of this is that the game plays fast and bloody. It will be well enjoyed by the player who is less concerned with the effectiveness of the AK-47 and the M-16 than with just getting on with the firefight and surviving one's tour. Reviewing Stand
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