by Bill Rutherford
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This work, by John Wilson, (Partizan Press, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, UK, 35 pgs digest incl drwgs, $7.00), a companion to Bob Cordery's rules, is an illustrated guide to armored vehicles of the Spanish Civil War. Basic statistics, a paragraph of history, and 1/76 scale 3-view plans are presented for 25 tanks and armored trucks and tractors used during the war. The stats are basic (e.g., armor for the T-26b light tank is given as "... 15mm maximum, 10mm minumum.."), but do give road speeds, armaments, etc. Some of the drawings seem a bit underscale, but are largely quite nice. The strength of this book is the sheer obscurity of much of what's presented. The Spanish Civil War gamer or modeler can expect to do a lot of scratch building and this book is a good starting point. If you're interested in this war, Tanks & Trucks is well worthwhile. Reviewing Stand
Simtac 15mm Jacobite Ottoman Napleonics Two Dragon 15mm Vikings Miniature Service Center Mex-Amer War Buildings Wargames Foundry 25mm Chinese Boxers Wargame Foundry 25mm Boers Panzerschiffe 1/2400 WWII Ships Skywarrior 1/300 WWII and Modern Aircraft I-94 Plastic Storage Boxes Brokaw Flex Terrain Art of War Painting Service Old Glory 15mm and 25mm Napoleonics Empire Napoleonic Rules Ancient Empires Ancients Rules US Infantry 1776-1918 (book) Wargaming in History (books) Tactica Supplement Book One Rules Spanish Civil War Tanks and Trucks (book) La Ultima Cruzada and Arriba Espana Jane's Naval Wargame US Bombers of WWII (book) Coastal Command WWII Rules The Old Contemptibles WWI BEF (book) Charlie Company Vietnam War Rules Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. IX No. 6 Back to Courier List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1991 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |