by Jim Birdseye
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These rules for simulating Napoleonic warfare written by Jim Getz and Scott Bowden and published by The Emperors'Press, 1990, come boxed in the colors of the Old Guard. The box contains a green binder, wrapped rules, a set of charts and maneuver element order chits. In many ways this set of rules is very similar to the last effort, Empire IV, in fact numerous wargamers (simulators), refer to this set as Empire V. There are very few differences between the two. The mechanics are essentially the same. The old "Elan Test Flow Chart" is present as well as a number of other terms and procedures. Owners of Empire /Vwill find this set to be essentially the same. Those who are interested in simulating Napoleonic combat and missed a chance to buy Empire /V should consider this set seriously. Some of the rules have been clarified to ease understanding of the concepts involved and intent of the designers. This set of rules is designed for simulating combat rather than gaming. Players act as historical leaders, with all their limitations and skills. It is complicated and designed for Corps actions and larger. It requires a large playing area to get the feel for the period. I can recommend these rules for those interested in the period. Even if you never play the rules they are interesting reading and present one concept of Napoleonic warfare. Reviewing Stand
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