By Dave Dollar
Art by Chris Myers
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The passageway emerges in a stout stone shed in Roshia's gardens. There, Roshia will be waiting to congratulate the partyand extend her condolences for those who did not make it. Accompanying her, is her thing-at-arms, Boaseth. Roshia is dressed in black silk robes (a striking contrast to her pale complexion) and wears a dark blue sash, embroidered with the image of a rampant white horse. The sash unmistakably denotes her as the governess of the county of Villano. Boaseth is dressed scantily (as reptiles are wont to do), wearing a combat harness, black wool cloak and gold bracers. In his large, green-scaled hands he hold a polished rosewood box. The box contains, for each character: 1. A rolled-up parchment diploma (containing the Code of the Rats) tied with a red, silk ribbon. 2. A gold stickpin of a rampant rat (to be worn on the left lapel). The eyes of the rat are ruby points. The pin is very classy looking, but is somewhat small. Its worth probably comes to about 50 Imperials (OP). Roshia will be relieved that the characters have escaped alive but will make no apologies for running them through the Gauntlet. She will explain that her old group of Rats vanished several months ago, on a mission overseas. She will gladly take them under her sponsorship - as the new Rat Pack. She will require a reasonable tithe of gathered income from each mission they go on. In return, she will provide housing (in the guest house), food and training in magic, weapons and other skills - for free. The rat pin is rather like a badge of office and she will be quite appalled if anyone sells theirs. She plans to turn the Rats into the most fearsome, famous and beloved adventuring group in the world. First, however, characters must be taught how to read, write and behave properly at diplomatic functions - all of which she will teach them as they recoup. Their duties will often have them rubbing elbows with royalty. Characters graduating from the Roshia's Gauntlet all now have something in common - and some common stories to tell. They have struggled together physically and mentally, proving to themselves and each other that they can rise to the challenge of the moment. Perhaps they will go on together as the Rats. Or perhaps they will decline Roshia's offer and strike out on their own quest. Either way, they have proven themselves survivors - perhaps even heroes. The Beginning...Don't stop reading yet! You haven't read the truly earth-shaking closing notes yet. Did you buy this mag or nod? Geeze... Closing Notes A copy of the Code of the Rats is provide for your use. It's kind of a diploma to nor those who have survived the Gauntlet. It is this little author's suggestion that you photocopy those two pages for your players. Splice the two papers together so they will copy nicely onto one 11" x 17" sheet. Run off one copy for each of your new Rats. Now, the Code itself is not an even 11" x 17" so you should have plenty of extra paper hanging off on all sides. Here's where the fun begins: soak all the copies in a mixture of water and lemon juice, then microwave them dry. Do this a few times. The paper should be taking on a yellowed, parchment color-like an old treasure map. Be careful not to touch the lettering with your fingers until the paper has cooled, otherwise you might smear the toner. When the papers have gotten just the right hue (your discretion, of course), take a candle and carefully singe the edges. Voila! Instant scroll! Now get some red ribbon and tic your scrolls shut. Your players will freak out when you present them with those! Yeah. I know. Seems like an awful lot of effort to amuse the players. But is that not your role as the GameMaster? As many derogatory comments as I make about players, please know that they are all in good fun. Being a good GameMaster is a matter of caring that your players are enjoying themselves. I would very much like to read your comments and criticisms. Or just write for the sake of writing - I feel like the Maytag repair man up here! We hope you enjoyed this adventure ... a lot ... yeah. Thanx. CreditsMany thanks to the original Rat
ScrollThe Rats do hereby admit: to abide and uphold the Code of the Rat. Abstinence: Avarice is the road to an early grave. Never risk you or yours for the hollow dream of gold. Survive, and time will grant you greater rewards of its own. Peace: A Rat is more than a hired bully and more than a traveling butcher. You are the agent of a noble and humane ideal. Solve conflicts by diplomacy whenever possible. Forethought: A task poorly planned is a task poorly done--if it gets done at all. Humor: In a world fueled by conflict, you shall both win and lose. Allow your spirit to be crushed by your enemies and your mind shall soon follow. Mirth in the face of evil makes danger diminish and laughter can steal your enemy's spirit. Wisdom: Experience can teach you the world's most interesting mysteries. Let never a nema, place, or moment of your adventures be forgotten; for when strength fails, wisdome may triumph. Caution: A fool leaps before he looks. The deadliest predators of both mana nd beast rely on fools. Consistency: Consistency of method and of thought will carry through. Grim as the worst might seem, never abandon a working plan. Mistrust: People lie. Lying is that part of human nature that pretends to protect people from adversity or plays the easy road to that which they desire. Treat all around with trust and respect--but never bet your life on them. Powerlessness: A hero wears his crown in his heart, where it serves him best. Be ever wary of displaying your strengths to others...there will always be those willing to test them. Unity: The river that sweeps away mountains is only a mass of smaller streams. Questioning: Often, the most lethal of things appears harmless. Accept nothing at face value. Reaction: As an adventurer and a Rat, you must think on your feet. Consider your actions carefully, but not slowly. Ponder a problem too longand you may lose control of its solution. Logic: The world is seldom spontaneous and coincidences are rare. Deduction is your most fearsome weapon. Deducing the "why" in your enemy's actions is halfway to finding the "how" in arresting his plans. Honesty: All comes around in the end. While lying, cheating, an stealing is painfully necessary at times, another way around your problems should always be explored first. Steal only from thieves and lie only to liars. The commonfolk mistrust and fear armed travelers. To win their hearts, you must show them only the finest parts of yourself; for what we may call a frailty or minor flaw they will see as great evil. As aRat, you are more than a comon adventurer. You are a Hero. More Code of the Rats Introductory Fantasy Adventure
Adventure Set Up 1. Entry Room 2. Room of Abstinence 3. Room of Peace 4. Room of Forethought 5. Pit Trap 6. Wolves and Sheep 7. Dank and Dark 8. Room of Humor and Wisdom 9. Room of Caution 10. The Lone Plaque 11. Hall of Consistency 12. Mud-Filled Room 13. Room of Questioning 14. The Portcullis 15. Room of Reversal 16. Room of Trust 17. Room of Power 18. Room of Disunity 19. The Darkened Hallway 20. Room of Mindlessness 21. Room of Acceptance 22. The Rotating Tunnel 23. The Refreshments 24. Lemmings Leap 25. If Left is not Right 26. Room of Day 27. Room of Cogitation 28. A Locked Door 29. Room of Illogic 30. Room of Dishonesty Epilogue Map of the Dungeon Back to Shadis #21 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1995 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |