review by Bill Protz
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This book by Brian Leigh Dunnigan is a valuable resource for those interested in the Seven Years' War in North America. The French and Indian War, as this conflict is popularly known, was drawing to a close in 1759 as the imperial forces of Great Britain positioned themselves to remove Canada from France. One army poised itself to capture Quebec, one of the twin hearts of Canada, as a second sought the other, Montreal, while a third was ordered to capture Fort Niagara. Fort Niagara was important because it straddled the line of communication to French western territories, the Ohio, and the Illinois, Wisconsin, and what we now call Michigan and even Louisiana. It was additionally a stepping stone to launch raids on the western frontier of the British colonies of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and the Carolinas. Capture of the fort would sever communications with all these regions in one blow. Itwould also prevent French designs to retake Fort Duquesne captured and renamed Fort Pitt the year before. SIEGE - 1759 describes military preparations, routes of march, orders of battle, the siege of the fort, the homeric battle of the French relief column at La Belle Famille, weapons, tactics, clothing, personalities and the historical significance of the campaign to the outcome of the war. The style of writing is lucid and flows effortlessly in a picturesque accounting of events. Illustrations, maps, diagrams and drawings are in wonderful abundance. Everyone intersted in this era will enjoy Siege - 1759. Courier readers who yearn to develop a wargame based on the siege, the Battle of La Belle Famille or even a mini-campaign will find this book to be the best source for such activities. The general reader will be pleased as well. The book is available for $6.95 plus $1.00 postage/handling. New York residents add 7% sales tax. Order your copy from Old Fort Niagara, P.O. Box 169, Youngstown, New York 14174-0169, USA. Also ask for the Fort Niagara book list and for details about the Fort Niagara Association. More Reviews
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