review by Bill Protz
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Hap Jordan's Battalionfeuer Games has announced the release of three new 25mm French and Indian War American Provincial infantrymen. The trio is compatible with RSM 25mms and was sculpted by an RSM designer. Hap's purpose is to fill gaps in miniatures availability for the SYW and the French and Indian War. Later he hopes to make Russian Corps of Observation miniatures available too. The three new American provincials may be identified as standing firing, standing loading and advancing. All three have properly abandoned their bayonets for tomahawks and are suitably uniformed in shortened outer coats. The design was based on the interpretive artwork of Joe Lee of a New York infantryman which appears on page 43 of SIEGE - 1759 The Campaign Against Niagara by Brian Leigh Dunnigan and on the artwork of Eric Manders of the Pennsylvania Regiment on page 19 of Military Uniforms In America The Era of the American Revolution 1755-1795 by The Company of Military Historians. There are no officers, NCOs or musicians. This should not pose a problem since at least in the case of American provincial officers, since portraits of them indicate they wore resplendent coats similar if not the same as those worn by British regular officers. Therefore, it may serve to buy officers, etc., from RSM to command Hap's provincials. I have awaited the availability of these miniatures for almost one year in anticipation of a campaign I intend to run commencing in the autumn of 1989; the 1759 Niagara campaign. Also anyone interested in wargaming the La Belle Famille scenario appearing in this issue will need the New York Regiment. The design is well-executed and fills avoid for those who desire to field provincial infantry (different and of better quality than colonial militia which was an entirely different military element) for the French and Indian War. They may be purchased direct from Hap Jordan at $.70 apiece. If you order small amounts, add $2.00 postage/handling, otherwise postage is free. Write: Hap Jordan, 14 Parkview Ave., Jamestown, NY 14701 More Reviews
Britannia Miniatures 25mm Crimean War Wargames Foundry 25mm Indian Mutiny Battalionfeuer Games 25mm French and Indian War American Provincials Essex 25mm Sassanid Persians SKT 15mm and 25mm Ancients and Medievals Fort Morgan 1/1100 Scale ACW Fort 10 High Miniatures 10mm Ancients Mirliron 25mm French 1808 and Italian 1860 Frei Korps 15mm "Yellow Ribbon" US Army Scenics 15mm/20mm Card Buildings Hinton Hunt 25mm Napoleonics Siege - 1759 The Campaign Against Niagara Osprey Men-At-Arms Wellingston's Specialist Troops (booklet) Lancers and Lewis Guns Rules 1754-1900 A.D. Osprey Elite Series Knights at Tournament and The Crusades Partizan Press/Caliver Books English Civil War Raider Games Flags of the ECW William III at War Argus Books Military Modelling Guide to Military Dioramas Von Arnim Games 15mm and 25mm Napoleonic Flags Tricolor: Rules for Grand Tactical Level Miniature Wargames in 15mm Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VIII No. 5 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1989 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles covering military history and related topics are available at |