by Bill Rutherford
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Written by by Mark Hannam. This 39 page wire-bound book is subtitled "An Accessory for Gaming the Spanish Civil War" (SCW) and that says it all. The first 18 pages provide generic (i.e., non rules-specific) morale and effectiveness ratings for most of the troop types that saw SCW service, vehicle and weapon statistics for most of the equipment seeing SCW service, and general morale rules for SCW-peculiar morale situations (e.g., Anarchists debating their orders…) The stats and morale rules are meant to be used with RAPID FIRE (see review in The Courier #67), but are generally applicable to any game using the 1 model = 1 platoon scale (e.g., COMMAND DECISION, SPEARHEAD, etc.). The vehicle lists, especially, were useful in that they named a large number of armored trucks that most gamers will never have heard of. Scattered through the first part of the book are notes describing the troops, equipment usage, and general background. The second half of REF contains basic troop organizations for both sides, along with more background information, four scenarios, a glossary and an annotated (yea!) bibliography. The scenarios each provide an historical background, description, orders of battle, and a game map. These are loosely written – almost as scenario guidelines and not as formal scenarios. The organization tables and the scenario orders of battle are all stated in RAPID FIRE terms, but are easily convertible to other rule sets if they're more to your taste. I found the book to be generally worthwhile and the troop organizations (and descriptions) to be especially useful. Available for $12.00 from Historical Products Company, c/o Pat Condray, 2225 S. Gulfwater Pt., Crystal River, FL 34429 More Reviews
Essex 15mm Franco-Prussians Imperialist Enterprises 25mm Demi-Brigades Early Napoleonics Guernsey Foundry 25mm Napoleonic Infantry in Campaign Dress Simtac Jacobite 15mm Napoleonic Baden Range Peter Pig 15mm Spanish Civil War Command Essex 25mm ACW Dixon 25mm Wild West Guernsey Foundry 25mm Darkest Africa TCS Western Gunfight Series Langton Miniatures 1/1200 ACW Ships Old Glory 25mm Jacobite Rebellion Riversco 1/144th scale Junkers J-1, Fokker D.VI, and Spad S.XI Imperialist Enterprises' 25mm War of Spanish Succession SHQ 20mm WWII German Mounted MG34 Team Collectaire 1/300th Scale Italian Airforce Museum Miniatures 15MM Gladiators Stone Mountain Fire & Fury Markers Renaissance Ink Bases Ragwing Warbirds WWI Rules Offensive Patrol WWI Rules U.S. Marine Corps World War II Divisions, Brigades, and Regiments (book) An Army of Professionals (AWI Scenarios) Medieval Warfare Rules Ancient Warfare Rules Blue Sky Enterprises Bases and Decals Rompan El Fuego! SCW Back to Table of Contents -- Courier #75 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |