Left Wing History (4):
Waterloo 1815

Footnotes, Sources, and Acknowledgements

by Gary Cousins, Germany


[1] BL Add. MS 34706-235, dated 14th February 1837.
[2] Letter, undated and to unknown recipient, in Vivian, p. 303: quoted in part 3 - p. 22 of FE78.
[3] History, pp. 329-330, p. 334: these passages appeared in the 3rd edition (1848) unchanged from the 1st and 2nd editions (1844).
[4] Letters, no. 3.
[5] One-Leg, pp. 132-133, citing Words on Wellington… Sir W. A. Fraser - J. C. Nimmo – London – 1889: vol. I, p. 4.
[6] Letter from Wellington to Ellesmere, dated 25th September 1851, in Personal Reminiscences of the Duke of Wellington. Francis, First Earl of Ellesmere, ed. Alice, Countess of Strafford. John Murray – London – 1903: pp. 185-188.
[7] Letters, no. 7.
[8 Owen, p.11, p. 12.
[9] One-Leg, p. 134.
[10] One-Leg, p. 134.
[11] Belle-Alliance, nos. 58, 59 and 60 (the last appears in English in Letters II, no. 68).
[12] See part 1 in FE 76.
[13] Von Wavre bis Belle-Alliance. J. v. Pflugk-Harttung. Jahrbücher für die deutsche Armee und Marine. Berlin – 1908: see part 1 in FE 76.
[14] Letters, no. 71.
[15] Miller, pp. 60-65.
[16] Letters, no. 81 and 82: see part 1 in FE 76.
[17] Letters II, no. 16.
[18] Letters, no. 8.
[19] Letters, no. 75.
[20] Letters, no. 75.
[21] Letters, nos. 75, 76 and 82: see part 1 in FE76.
[22] Letters, nos. 75 and 76: see part 1 in FE76.
[23] One of Wellington’s Staff Officers. Major-General Sir Louis Jackson KBE CB CMG. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, vol. XIV – London - 1935: pp. 155-167.
[24] Miller, p. 75.
[25] Waterloo Despatch, dated 19th June 1815, in WD, pp. 146-151. Two further accounts are quoted in Miller, pp. 75-76: Fraser repeated the story from an “authority”, in Words on Wellington… Sir W.A. Fraser - J.C. Nimmo – London – 1889: p. 262; and Wellington’s account to Samuel Rogers, in Dictionary of National Biography: pp. 754-755. Later Wellington learned that De Lancey had survived, and wrote a correction, dated 22nd June 1815, in WD, pp. 160-161.
[26] Lady De Lancey’s Narrative of 1816, quoted in Miller, pp. 110-111.
[27] History, p. 558 and p. 559.
[28] A bio note on LTC Delancey Barclay will appear in a future issue of FE.
[29] In 1815 the staff of the Adjutant-General comprised a Deputy (DAG - a colonel), eleven Assistants (AAGs -lieutenant- colonels and majors) and ten Deputy Assistants (DAAGs - captains and lieutenants). Although seconded to the AG’s staff, they remained listed by their regimental affiliations. While reporting to the AG, in the field they answered to the commander of the formation to which they were assigned: most were attached to corps and divisional headquarters, each division having one AAG and one DAAG. See The Armies of Wellington. Philip Haythornthwaite. Brockhampton Press – London – 1998: chapter 12; and Wellington’s Army. Col. H.C.B. Rogers OBE. Ian Allan Ltd – Shepperton UK – 1979: chapter 7.
[30] Vivian was not confusing Barclay with another staff officer of similar surname – Lieutenant-Colonel Sir George Berkeley, 35th Foot and DAG to the 1st Corps, who was severely wounded at around 3.30 p.m. (BL Add. MS 34704-163); or with Seymour, who is named separately later in the same letter.
[31] Miller, p. 75: Wellington’s three main staff officers – the Military Secretary, QMG and AG – were seriously wounded; and of Wellington’s ADCs and the QMG’s and AG’s staff, about one-third became casualties. Cathcart / Greenock, AQMG to the cavalry, spent much of the day delivering orders for Uxbridge; Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Rooke of the 3rd Foot Guards, AAG to the 1st (British Guards) Division, missed the attack of the Imperial Guard, having been sent to find ammunition (Letters II, no. 95); and Major Dawson Kelly, AQMG and supervising officer to Wellington’s headquarters, re-joined his regiment, the 73rd Foot, which had lost all of its officers (Letters, no. 145).
[32] Letter from Wellington to “ – ”, dated 17th August 1815, in WD, pp. 244-245.
[33] Reports and accounts consulted include: · Ponsonby: Letters, no. 35, 36, 45; Letters II, nos. 27, 29, 30 and 33. · Grant: Letters, nos. 62-69; Uxbridge’s letter to Colonel Allan, dated 18th December 1815, in Owen, pp. 62-63, and Letters, no. 6. · Ghigny: De Bas & WommersomIII, pp. 416-417, Note 26. · the Cumberland Hussar Regiment: Letters, no. 9; letter of 4th August 1815 in Spencer and Waterloo: The Letters of Spencer Madan 1814-1816. Ed B. Madan. L.S. & P. Ltd. - London – 1970: p. 123; and entry for 14th July 1815 in The Farington Diary (volume VIII). Ed. J. Greig. Hutchinson & Co. – London – 1924: p. 19, quoted in One-Leg, p. 365. · Merlen: De Bas & WommersomIII, pp. 418-421, Notes 27.
[34] Apsley House Museum, item WM 1258-1948.
[35] The order was published and so described in The Life of Wellington. Sir Herbert Maxwell. Sampson Low -Marston and Company - London – 1899: p. 75. Maxwell gave no source for his assertion, and neither Apsley House nor Stratfield Saye could provide further information.
[36] See e.g. Letters, no. 35, 36, 45; Letters II, nos. 27 and 29.
[37] Memorandum Upon the Plan of the Battle of Waterloo, dated October 1836, in WSD, p. 513.
[38] Müffling – History, p. 32.
[39] Müffling – Memoirs, p. 247.
[40] Hofmann, pp. 138-139.
[41] Müffling - Memoirs, note to pp. 247-248.
[42] Geschichte des Feldzugs von 1815 in den Niederlanden und Frankreich…Major K. von Damitz. Mittler - Berlin, Posen and Bromberg - 1837-1838: p. 293; Plane der Schlachten und Treffen…, vol IV. Oberstleutnant A. Wagner. G. Reimer - Berlin – 1825: p. 85, p. 92.
[43] Letters, no. 7.
[44] One-Leg, p. 142, citing the Plas Newydd Papers.
[45] Letters, no. 9.
[46] Letters, no. 11.
[47] One-Leg, pp. 146-147, citing the Plas Newydd Papers.
[48] Letter from Uxbridge to Colonel Allan, dated 18th December 1815, in Owen, pp. 62-63.
[49] Vivian was Commander-in-Chief in Ireland from 1831-1834, and Siborne was his Assistant Military Secretary: and Vivian wrote numerous letters to Siborne about the actions of his brigade during the campaign.
[50] History, p. 257.

Sources BL Add. MS. (+ volume / folio number) - Waterloo: Original Accounts: The Captain Siborne Collection and related materials from the British Library, London. Adam Matthews Publications – Marlborough UK – 2001.. Belle-Alliance – Belle-Alliance (Verbündetes Heer). J. von Pflugk-Harttung. R. Eisenschmidt - Berlin - 1915. De Bas & Wommersom - La Campagne de 1815 aux Pays Bas… F. De Bas and Comte J. de T’Serclaes de Wommersom. Dewit – Brussels – 1908-1909. History - History of the Waterloo Campaign. Captain W. Siborne. Greenhill Books – London - 1990. Hofmann - Zur Geschichte des Feldzuges von 1815 bis nach der Schlacht von Belle-Alliance. General Georg Wilhelm von Hofmann. Mittler - Berlin – 1851 (2nd edition). Letters - Waterloo Letters. Ed. Major-General H.T. Siborne. Greenhill Books – London - 1993. Letters II - Letters from the Battle of Waterloo. Gareth Glover. Greenhill Books – London – 2004. Müffling – History - History of the Campaign of 1815… S.R. Publishers Ltd. – Wakefield UK - 1970. Müffling – Memoirs - The Memoirs of Baron von Müffling. Baron Carl von Müffling. Greenhill Books – London – 1997. Miller - Lady De Lancey at Waterloo. David Miller. Spellmount Ltd – Staplehurst UK - 2000. One-Leg - One-Leg: The Life and Letters of Henry William Paget, First Marquess of Anglesey KG 1768-1854. The Marquess of Anglesey. Jonathan Cape – London - 1961. Owen – The Waterloo Papers. Ed. E. Owen. AQ and DJ Publications – Tavistock UK - 1997. Vivian - Richard Hussey Vivian: First Baron Vivian -A Memoir. C. Vivian. Ken Trotman Ltd – Cambridge UK - 2003. WD - Dispatches of Field Marshal The Duke of Wellington. Vol. VIII. Ed. J. Gurwood. Second edition. Murray – London – 1852. WSD- SupplementaryDespatches,Correspondenceand Memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur Duke of Wellington. Vol. X. Ed. The 2nd Duke of Wellington -Kraus – Millwood, New York – 1973


My thanks for the images to: De Lancey and Uxbridge – Philip Haythornthwaite; Müffling – Reinhard Montag; Pieneman – Geert van Uythoven.

Left Wing History (4) Vivian’s 6th (Light) Cavalry Brigade on the 18th June 1815

Left Wing History (3) Vivian’s 6th (Light) Cavalry Brigade on the 18th June 1815

Left Wing History (2) Prussian I Corps

Left Wing History (1) Waterloo 1815: Vivian's 6th Cavalry Brigade

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