by Ken Bunger
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RAFM has released new figures in the 25mm "Flint and Feather" Seven Years' War range. Since the Rafm ranges have been extensively reviewed in previous columns, I have a few specific comments with regard to their new releases: 1N58: 8 pdr. Artillery Piece. This is the only truly accurate French field piece on the market, absolutely great.
1N60: 16 assorted Swivels and Hand Cannon. 1N61: 6 pdr. Artillery Piece. 1N62: Galloper Gun. These last two numbers accurately represent British guns, although the 6 pdr. has French type wheels. All guns come two per package. 1N6: Iroquois Warrior, firing musket. This has been redesigned to the current excellent standard. 1N37: Scottish Highlanders, advancing. 1N38: Scottish Highlanders, Grenadier Company, marching. 1N39: Scottish Highlander Command Group. This contains officer, drummer, piper, and three figures with open hands. Also included are two each of spontoons, halberds, swords, British muskets, French muskets and sheet lead standards. These Highlanders are absolutely great. A nice touch is the pistol stuck in the officer's belt. All figures are in full kilt and plaid. 1N40: and 1N41: British and French General Officers. Each contains one mounted and one dismounted officer. The mounted British officer represents Wolfe and is therefore not in full dress. 1N42: and 1N43: French Artillerists and British/American Artillerists. Each contains six open-handed figures and assorted equipment. The linstock is very well done. The British all have powder horns which is correct for the gunners. 1N44: Colonial Infantry, firing. The figure is in tricome, turned-back coat, hatchet, bayonetand small cartouche on narrow shoulder belt. 1N45: French Cavalry in Bearskins. Taken from CMH Plate No. 441, this figure is almost perfect for the many French cavalry regiments that adopted the fashionable bearskin, although the shoulder belt is a bit narrow. The figure is wearing gaiters, but these can be filed smooth and painted as boots. The saddle blanket should also be squared-off a little. The result of these minor conversions will givean excellent line French cavalryman for Europe. I can highly recommend this entire range. The packages are four dollars each and are available from Rafm Miniatures, 19 Concession St., Cambridge, Ont., Canada NIR 2G6. More Reviews
Stone Mountain 15mm American Revolution Front Rank 25mm ACW Armory 10mm ACW Citadel 25mm Dark Ages RAFM Flint and Feather 25mm Seven Years War Wargames Foundry Franco-Prussians Wargames Foundry Indian Mutiny 1857-1859 Tabletop 15mm Macedonians Battle Honours 15mm Napoleonics Science Versus Pluck: Or, Too Much for the Mahdi Rally Once Again: Battle Tactics of the ACW (book) Scotia Micro Models: Review in Error Geo-Hex Trees Harpoon Modern Naval Miniatures Rules People's War Guerrilla War Rules Battlezones: Scenarios for the Ultra Modern Period Bastogne Campaign Module for Command Decision Ardennes 1944: Peiper and Skorzeny Osprey Men-at-Arms 184 - Polish Armies 1569-1696 (1) Military Modelling Guide to Wargaming Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VIII No. 1 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1987 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |