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I enjoyed reading the article on 1/285-1/300 Scale armor, which included the line of figures we handle, Scotia Micro Models, in the latest issue of THE COURIER, Vol. VII, No. 6. I would, however, like to clear up a few points that were incorrectly stated in thewriteup. First of all, Scotia Micro Models are 1/300th scale rather than 1/280th as was listed. Secondly, SIMTAC, Inc. was listed as the importer of this line rather than as the U.S. manufacturer. We now have 95% of all the master figures and are filling orders from figures produced here in the United States. Finally, while a minor point, the company name is SIMTAC, Inc. This is an acronym for Simulations and Tactical Publications, incorporated. The figures mentioned in the article were someof theolderfigures in the range. Several figures, especially in the WWI and WWII range are being resculpted to bring them up to the standard of quality of the newer figures in the line today. The modern period figuresare very detailed and very fine figures. We will submit these figures in the near future for review, so that you may get an accurate feel for the true quality of this line of figures. - STEVE DINSMORE, SIMTAC, Inc. We welcome rebuttals and corrections to any review or statement made -in THE COURIER and will print all that space and the pressures of schedule and press time will allow. It is imperative that manufacturers supply two samples (with catalog listing) of their latest releases for review to THE COUREIR main office only as soon as they are available. The review process is a time consuming one and activity on the part of the manufacturers will go a long way toward insuring timely presentation in these pages. - DICK BRYANT More Reviews
Stone Mountain 15mm American Revolution Front Rank 25mm ACW Armory 10mm ACW Citadel 25mm Dark Ages RAFM Flint and Feather 25mm Seven Years War Wargames Foundry Franco-Prussians Wargames Foundry Indian Mutiny 1857-1859 Tabletop 15mm Macedonians Battle Honours 15mm Napoleonics Science Versus Pluck: Or, Too Much for the Mahdi Rally Once Again: Battle Tactics of the ACW (book) Scotia Micro Models: Review in Error Geo-Hex Trees Harpoon Modern Naval Miniatures Rules People's War Guerrilla War Rules Battlezones: Scenarios for the Ultra Modern Period Bastogne Campaign Module for Command Decision Ardennes 1944: Peiper and Skorzeny Osprey Men-at-Arms 184 - Polish Armies 1569-1696 (1) Military Modelling Guide to Wargaming Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VIII No. 1 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1987 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |