by Paul Koch
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Osprey Men-at-Arms Series Number 3 in the new Osprey series on the late unpleasantness between the states has just been received by this reviewer. The text by Philip Katcher and the color plates by Ron Volstad. The quality of this latest effort is well up on the range of excellence that has characterized the Men-At-Arms series for so long. The subject matter however may be just a bit too restricted for many game buffs. The subject of Generals and staff of course has long been of interest. We all have at one time or another reserved our very best painting efforts for that special stand of Old Stonewall or Uncle Billy Sherman. The section on staff and general officer is therefore of great interest as are the items on such units as Berdan's renowned Sharpshooters. As an old jarhead too, I must say, I found the information on both Yankee and Confederate Marines of great interest if of somewhat limited miniature use. I wonder, however, how much use the details on hospital stewards and engineers will be to miniature gamers. To the Dioramist, no doubt, these things maybe a boon but in 25 or 15mm they seem somewhat lost. The recent release of 15mm model shipping and Stone Mountain's forthcoming naval guns and crews makes the seaward sections of interest to those who are interested in the naval and combined service operations of the war. While this reviewer remains a hopeless landlubber I must confess an occasional wish to have a gunboat or two sail down the river in one of my battles. Regular COURIER readers will remember an "On to Richmond" rules addition for incorporating such actions into that game. Thanks to Ron Volstad's fine prints we even get a look at the Army of the Potomac's HQ flag adapted by Meade after Sam Grant moved in in 1864. Likewise I have taken down my quite unhistorical red cross and replaced it over my field hospital with a green H on a yellow field. Distressingly, there is still nothing, or very little on colors, standards and flags. I hope this may be covered in depth with a future issue. While some may find this volume of limited interest its beauty and subject matter deserve its inclusion in the ACW gamer's library. I do recommend it.
Frontier 25mm Crimean War Campaign Figures 25mm 16th Century Lyzard's Grin 1/76 scale WWII Heavy Weapons Thistle and Rose 15mm Dark Ages RAFM 25mm Hellenistic Greece and Imperial Romans Frontier Miniatures Redesigns Victorian Colonial Range ESCI 1/72 scale Napoleonic British Infantry at Waterloo Battle Honours Napoleonic 15mm Line Red Wing Miniatures Boxer Rebellion Dixon 15mm Marlburians Stone Mountain 15mm ACW Naval Guns Life Like Products Terrain GDW WWII Rules: Command Decision Osprey Booklet #179: ACW Staff, Specialist, and Maritime Services Osprey Booklet #181: Austrian Napoleonic Cavalry #2 Osprey Booklet #183: Modern Africa Wars 1: Rhodesia 1965-1980 Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VII #4 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1987 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |