by Bob Beattie
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On the European side, this firm must be given high marks for attempting to bring variety to this little conflict. They offer 10 different poses for the Italians, 7 Royal marines, 8 French, 7 Russians (plus a mounted Cossack), 6 Japanese, and 5 American infantry plus a trooper and officer mounted. The Royal Marines have the side cap and so are good for the legation defense. The Italians are Besaglieri with plumed sun helmets (except for the officer in field cap as pictured in Tradition No. 62 who has the most Italian pose I have ever seen in a figure). My overall opinion of the Europeans is negative. They are overly heavy compared to the other manufacturers mentioned above and are stilted in appearance. laskedan artist friend her opinion and she felt they did not look right. Moreover, they just do not mix in well with other lines. There are some important exceptions including the Italian officer and the Russian seaman with slung rifle. But, do not take my word for all this; order a few sample figures. Much of my review is personal opinion. Wetryto relateonesetof figures to others for the benefit of those who like to create mixed units. These Europeans might suit the fancy of someone who had only Red Wing figures. If onlytheywerea little slimmer and trimmerthey would bevery good. So, order a large supply of the Boxers and Imperials and check out the Europeans. Contending opinions are always welcome.
Frontier 25mm Crimean War Campaign Figures 25mm 16th Century Lyzard's Grin 1/76 scale WWII Heavy Weapons Thistle and Rose 15mm Dark Ages RAFM 25mm Hellenistic Greece and Imperial Romans Frontier Miniatures Redesigns Victorian Colonial Range ESCI 1/72 scale Napoleonic British Infantry at Waterloo Battle Honours Napoleonic 15mm Line Red Wing Miniatures Boxer Rebellion Dixon 15mm Marlburians Stone Mountain 15mm ACW Naval Guns Life Like Products Terrain GDW WWII Rules: Command Decision Osprey Booklet #179: ACW Staff, Specialist, and Maritime Services Osprey Booklet #181: Austrian Napoleonic Cavalry #2 Osprey Booklet #183: Modern Africa Wars 1: Rhodesia 1965-1980 Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VII #4 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1987 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |