by Bill Greenwald
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LIFE-LIKE PRODUCTS, INC., has for years provided a large assortment of realistic terrain building accessories for model railroaders. Many are well suited for miniature wargaming. The various gravel, grass and earth materials, grass paper, and lichen, are excellent for the custom terrain builder. Finished trees of all sizes and types, and an assortment of HO gauge plastic model kits, mostly building, are also available, and are perfect additions to any gamer's table. The trees available come in 4 different sizes, making them excellent for most of the miniature ground scales. Some of the trees even come in Autumn and Spring colors for added realism. Landscaping materials from LIFE-LIKE include scenic stone of various colors, grass, earth, coal, and gravel. When these materials are applied to the miniature figure stands, with the scenic cement, also available, they will transform the stands into individual dioramas, and add to the enjoyment of many gamers. The accessories available from LIFE-LIKE are just too many to mention. Your best bet is to check out your local train/hobby shop. Many of the LIFE- LIKE products available I have seen in my local hobby shop. To see the whole line, however, you can send for the LIFE-LIKE catalogue at LIFE-LIKE PRODUCTS, INC., 1600 Union Ave., Baltimore, MD 21211; Tel. (301) 889-1023. The two model buildings (25mm-HO scale) received were #1339, the elvedere Hotel and #1337, the Mt. Vernon Mfg. Co. I built both of these easily as the instructions were very well done. The many molded colors make these kits a real good bet. I converted them for old west wargames which will be the subject of a later article.
Frontier 25mm Crimean War Campaign Figures 25mm 16th Century Lyzard's Grin 1/76 scale WWII Heavy Weapons Thistle and Rose 15mm Dark Ages RAFM 25mm Hellenistic Greece and Imperial Romans Frontier Miniatures Redesigns Victorian Colonial Range ESCI 1/72 scale Napoleonic British Infantry at Waterloo Battle Honours Napoleonic 15mm Line Red Wing Miniatures Boxer Rebellion Dixon 15mm Marlburians Stone Mountain 15mm ACW Naval Guns Life Like Products Terrain GDW WWII Rules: Command Decision Osprey Booklet #179: ACW Staff, Specialist, and Maritime Services Osprey Booklet #181: Austrian Napoleonic Cavalry #2 Osprey Booklet #183: Modern Africa Wars 1: Rhodesia 1965-1980 Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VII #4 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1987 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |