by Paul Koch
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The detail of the castings is quite good, at times, even excellent. There is some minimal flash, but I managed to clean up my review samples by hand in just a few moments. For the historically picky the Union infantry in great coat will be in deep trouble. He has forgotten or misplaced both his cartridge box and cap pouch. He isn't going to be able to fire more than a single round from his finely detailed musket. The Confederate cavalry too look a great deal like extras from a John Ford epic. The horses however are really very nice, reminding me of the Ral Partha horses only just slightly larger. The line is definitely on the stocky side. These are very well fed warriors. They look very much like the classic Mini-Fig style of design but with better proportions. The heads are just a shade too large, but that does allow for better painting. The artillery limbers appear to also be just a little too small but not by much. As an added bonus there is a small sheet of uniform information and a suggested reading list. Both are very basic, and since they fail to include "On To Richmond", very incomplete, but it is a nice touch. The initial range includes some 28 sets. The range is adequate but hardly complete. There are no staffs for either side. The Union cavalry has no command; neither do the Zouaves, or Berdan's Sharpshooters. There are no casualties, dismounted cavalry, etc. So there is more for Robert Murch (the designer) to do. The figures are all also very stately with very little animation. All things considered Rafm has given us a valuable addition to the 25mm ranges covering the war. They will fit with a number of other lines. I can give them my recommendation and encourage the Canadian firm to press on with future releases.
Frontier 25mm Crimean War Campaign Figures 25mm 16th Century Lyzard's Grin 1/76 scale WWII Heavy Weapons Thistle and Rose 15mm Dark Ages RAFM 25mm Hellenistic Greece and Imperial Romans Frontier Miniatures Redesigns Victorian Colonial Range ESCI 1/72 scale Napoleonic British Infantry at Waterloo Battle Honours Napoleonic 15mm Line Red Wing Miniatures Boxer Rebellion Dixon 15mm Marlburians Stone Mountain 15m ACW Naval Guns Life Like Products Terrain GDW WWII Rules: Command Decision Osprey Booklet #179: ACW Staff, Specialist, and Maritime Services Osprey Booklet #181: Austrian Napoleonic Cavalry #2 Osprey Booklet #183: Modern Africa Wars 1: Rhodesia 1965-1980 Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VII #4 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1987 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |