
Wargames Terrain

By Lance McKenzie

In 1983, Games Innovation of the U.K. released a fine array of integral terrain modules suitable for most facets of wargaming. Now available in the States from Wargames, Inc., these modules should be given serious consideration by those who feel that the playing surface should be as attractive as the figures on it. Constructed of an amazingly durable polystyrene, and coated with a very fine "grassy" material, the modules are either 2x2 feet or 1x2 feet, and are approximately 1¾ inches thick. I was very impressed with the toughness of the materials used; the polystyrene doesn't flake and the flocking will not "shed". The only warning that I can give regarding the wear-and-tear is not to lean on it too heavily with the elbows, as slight dents can thus occur. A very wide variety of modules are available ranging from plain to gullies, rivers, swamps, coastal features, etc. Virtually any geomorphic feature can be created, and the modules interlock nicely. It should be mentioned that woods and other protruding vegetation will have to be added. Also available are some very nice separate hills which further enhance variety. The only drawback to this system is the price. The modules range in price from $9.95 for a plain module, $14.95 for a coastal module, on up to $24.95 for the advanced rolling terrain modules. Acquistion of an adequate number of modules might, therefore, be undertaken as a club project. For those individuals with less money who still want nice terrain, the separate hills are not too expensive, and look very nice on an ordinary surface. Available from Wargames, 1410 Promenade Bank Center, Richardson, TX 75080. -- LANCE McKENZIE

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