Table of Contents
No. 30

August 1996/September 1996

A Naval Review- part 1
John Cook completes his wheeling with an overview of naval museums in Britain.

The Battle of the Piave
The Viceroy of Italy, Prince Eugene, takes the offensive against the Austrians under Archduke John in the May 8, 1809 battle.

The 45th Regiment D'Infantrie de Ligne
Profile of "Les Invincibles," both the historical French regiment and the modern re-enactment group.

Aide de Camp
A new research column answers the following questions:

Reader's Reviews
Book reviews of:

The Sea Wolf
David Wilson profiles Admiral Lord Thomas Cochrane, the commander of the sloop 'Speedy' who captured over 50 enemy vessals in a 13-month period and then tackled a Spanish frigate.

Napoleonic Newsdesk

House Rules Napoleonics
Part 2 of a test battle using these miniatures rules. Includes French and Russian orders of battle for the Battle of Drehsa, 1812.

The Wargaming Brigade
Gripes, groans, and some observations about routing.

Game Reviews

Battalion Polonais de la Guarde Imperiale
Russel Tomlinson profiles the Polish battalion in the French Imperial Guard, including history, organization, and uniform details.

Letters to the Editor cover the Frankfurt battalions, re-enactments, Sharpe's Debates, Hesse-Darmstadt Guarde de Corps and a Prussian sabre, music, books, and more.

Miscellaneous Notes
Keith Raynor's new column offers selected orders and letters about the British Army.

The Last Thing...
Dave Watkins celebrates 5 years of publishing and offers product news.

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