Miscellaneous Notes

British Army Orders

by Keith Raynor

It is envisaged that this small column will become a regular feature of the First Empire Magazine, providing primary information to the benefit of its subscibers. Hopefully the information provided from my collection will be of use to reseachers, wargamers and re-enactors besides the general readership, without being bonng or serious. Below is a selection of orders and letters appertaining to the British Army to initiate the column.

1. Horse Guards 26th January 1799 (P.R.O. WO3/19 page 158)

Sir, I am directed by His Royal Highness The Commander in Chief, to desire you will cause a party of twenty Dragoons, under the command of a Subaltern Officer, to assemble on Turnham Green at Ten O'clock on wednesday morning the 30th Inst. for the purpose of making an experiment of the effect of a flag recommended by Major General Churchill, with a view of annoying the enemy's cavalry.

(To) Col. Affleck, Com. 16th Lt.Dragoons.

2. Horse Guards 30th October 1800 (P.R.O. W 0 3/330 page 121)

Sir, In reply to your letter of yesterday I beg to refer you to the King's order dated 10th August 1799 which directs that, the custom of mounting Trumpeters on Grey Horses shall be discontinued and that they are in future to be mounted on Horses of the colour prescribed for the Regt. to which they belong.

(To) Officer commanding 2nd Dragoon Guards.

3. Horse Guards 23rd September 1801 (P.R.O.W O 3/34 page 174)

My Lord Duke, I have received The C-in-C's directions to inform your Grace, that each Regiment of Cavalry in Great Britain, has received orders to send a Detachment to the nearest Head Quarters of Mounted Artillery, for the purpose of being instructed in the excercise and manoeuves of that service. HRH had delayed the order for the march of the Detachment of the R.R. of Horse Guards having understood, that your Grace wished, that the party should receive their instructions under your superintendance, and I am to request the honor of receiving your Graces commands on this subject.

(To) Field Marshall His Grace The Duke of Richmond.

4. Horse Guards 15th August 1807 (P.R.O. WO 3/43 P.321)

My Lord, A forge cart of a New Construction having been completed, and recommended by the Board of Ordnance, as superior in several respects to that now used by Regiments of Cavalry. I am to acquaint your Lordship that a forge cart of the new description will be forwarded to the Brigade under your command, which your Lordship will cause to be minutely inspected, and report whether, on sufficient trial, it is considered preferable to that now in use.

(To) M.General Lord Paget etc. Ipswich

Similar letter to M.General the Hon. Cha. Hope.

5. Horse Guards 17th May 1811 (P.R.O. WO 1/647 page 59)

Sir, I have laid before the Commander in Chief your letter of the 15 ins. including copy of one from Mr. Owen Pitt of Gerard Street proporting to procure horses from America for service in Spain and Portugal, and His Excellancy desires are to submit to you, for Lord Liverpool's consideration, that Mr.Pitt should be called upon to state the price at which he could contract to supply a certain number of horses for that purpose, before the Commander in Chief can give any opinion on the expediency of the measure.

(To) Mr.Peel Esq.

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