Aide de Camp

by John Cook

Welcome to ADC, FE's own research section, a new column devoted to answering the increasing number of questions that have and will appear in 'Dispatches'.

The purpose of ADC is to provide a question and answer service for the use of all subscribers to FE. The concept, of course, is not a new one, but it is one that has been requested by a number of correspondents from time to time. ADC will attempt to answer any question on any aspect of the period, or at least indicate where the relevant material can be found. It will, clearly, only appear in response to demand and, therefore, may be occasional in nature.

What I have agreed to do is to edit the column as needs be, maintain a database of all questions submitted until they are satisfactorily answered and attempt to 'manage' the whole endeavour in a more organised way than it was possible to do in 'Dispatches'. Everybody who submits a question, simple or complex, will have it published and, hopefully, answered by a 'panel of experts', the members of which are you.

I hope we will all be able to learn something from ADC. In the meantime, and to start the ball rolling, there remain unanswered, or partly answered, questions about the Russian army from earlier issues as follows.

Back to Table of Contents -- First Empire #30
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