Chariot Armies for Ancient Warfare

Later Babylonian 1500-750 BC

By Terry Gore

Enemies of the Elamites and Assyrians, the Later Babylonians are another of those Biblical armies that can be a real challenge to use. It has been postulated that the Old Babylonians were initially from Syria. They were beset by the Hittites, and overrun by various tribes of Kassites by 1600 BC, but the Babylonian civil justice system remained in place. This is the period of history that this list encompasses.

There are plenty of chariots, available to the Later Babylonians, but they are all light. There are some bow-armed skirmisher cavalry and large numbers of close-order spearmen and archers who can be screened by the skirmisher infantry, along with some loose-order delaying terrain troops. In the later period, the light chariots can be upgraded to heavies and some lightly armoured cavalry are available.

This is a good army in the later period, powerful and strong in any terrain. Use the chariots for shock, supported by cavalry and screened by skirmishers. The close order foot is good to simply march straight toward the enemy baseline. This is a decent army for any level of player.

Enemies: Elamite, Assyrian, Midianite Arabs, Hebrew.

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