Reviewed by Bill Rutherford
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Croissant Miniatures makes a large- range of WWII and modern aircraft' miniatures (second only to Skytrex in size ... ), including numerous exotic types. The three aircraft reviewed (Su25 Frogfoot, $4.95; a MIG29 Fulcrum, $4.75; MiG31 Foxhound, $4.75) were selected for their newness and interest to modern period gamers. All three were nicely detailed and well produced. It is in the area of accuracy that I had some qualms. The Frogfoot, best of the lot, was quite acceptable (certainly more so than its only competitor, the Skytrex model l) - its dimensions worked out to approximately 1/285th, and though certain shapes (e.g., the engine nacelles) were a bit suspect, they weren't overwhelmingly noticable, with one exception: the model appears to have a bubble canopy; all photos and drawings that I've seen indicate that the canopy is hinged, so a file and some putty will be needed to set this right. The Fulcrum and Foxhound suffered badly by comparison Though both were nicely panelled and had accurate details (e.g., the M iG29's engine intake ports are of the right shape, in contrast to those of the only other MiG29 on the market), they varied wildly in scale. The Fulcrum scaled out at 1/245th in length, and 1/175th in wingspan The Foxhound, in contrast, was only 1/430th scale in length, and 1/370th scale in width! It appears almost as if the dimensions of the two models were reversed at some time during their development - with switched dimensions, the Fulcrum would scale out relatively closely, though the Foxhound would still be a bit small. In any event, they simply don't look right sitting next to contemporary aircraft of the proper size. Taken on a case by case basis, this range of aircraft may prove useful to the modern gamer. improved accuracy would greatly help the line. I picked my planes up at the local game shop; Croissant Miniatures Aircraft are also available by mail from Croissant Miniatures, P.O. Box 510, Lakewood, CA 907140510. The primary reference for this review, incidentally, was Modern Soviet Fighters. More Reviews
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