Reviewed by John Boehm
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The Alexandrian-Macedonians consist of nine packs of infantry including two of Hypaspists, one of Pike, one of Thracian javelins, one of stingers, one of Cretan archers. one of Hoplites, one of Greek Peltasts, and one of Thracian peltasts. The cavalry consists of twelve packs, two of Companions, two of prodromi, two of Thessalians, two of Thracians, two of Asiatic hippakontistai and two of Greek Cavalry. The respective packs of each type have either lances or swords. The lances for the cavalry consist of separate pieces of wire whereas the spears for the infantry reviewed were cast on. Several of the packages have two to four figure mixes and the horses are cast in four various poses. The samples received consisted of either a Thessalian or Companion with lance and with Boetian helmet and cloak. The horse was at full gallop. The two Thracian peltasts received both had helmets, thureophori, rhomphia and one also with a spear. The hypaspist is advancing with an upright spear and a double side-plumed helmet. The Cretan archers consisted of two poses, one advancing at the run, the other kneeling and firing. The Cretan pack has four figure poses whereas the Thracian peltast come in the two figure mix as described. The figures are cleanly cast with no flash except on some of the bases. For their size they appear to be well detailed and well animated. They are nice little figures. Also available is Alexander in a mounted command pack consisting of standard bearer, trumpeter, mounted officer and Alexander. The figures are available from Game Figures, Inc., 5380 Olathe Street, Unit E, Aurora, CO 80011; (303)361-6465. More Courier Reviews
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