reviewed by John Boehm
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Matchlock Miniatures are now offering a range of 25mm ancient figures. The range includes 7 Augustan Roman infantry, 19 Camillan Roman infantry and 2 mounted figures which provide a variety of helmet and armor types, 6 Carthaginian infantryand 4 Imperial Roman infantry. All figures come with separately cast spears and shields. The figures are 28 to 29 mm from sole to the top of the head. (I'm sorry but I don't measure my own height to eye level either. The top of the head isn't too hard to judge even with headgear.) The figures are of fairly normal proportions, although the Imperials seemed a bit long in the legand short in the torso. Detail is excellent, the action of the poses varies, and there is little flash. The review samples include Imperial legionaires, IR01, standing with pilum and IR03 attacking with sword. Both have mail and square convex scuta. The Republicans include CR1 1, a charging hastatus with mail, one greave, and a feathered attic helmet. This is an active pose with large scuturn and pilum. CR1 5 is avelite advancing in awoffskin; also an active pose, but perhaps atrifle short in the torso again. Both of these figures are slightly larger than the Imperials. The Carthaginians included CGO1 a Lybian spearman in captured mail, helmetand scuturn in awalking pose, and CG04, a Spanish scutarii with a sinew helmet, scuturn and javelin combination in one hand and a tow wrapped javelin for the other. Both are comparable in size to the Republicans. They would fit well with the larger Mirliton figures for example. Overall they are nice figures and sell for $1.00 per infantry and $2.00 for cavalry. The Reviewing Stand
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