Ethiopia 1890
Triumph and Tragedy scenario, 28mm figures by Luca, from Strategia Nova.
The Bertelli first aid column has to reach an italian outpost, held by Captain Zaccardini. Zaccardini is renown for being able to keep the Ethiopians chiefs under control, but this time a runner has warned the nearby troops he will hold no longer.
A relief column, lead by Vittorio Bertelli is coming, with italian and Askari troops…


- 3 Eroi
- Askari 1, 2, 3 e Guarnigione: 10 fig + leader, Rifle + bayonet, Veterans, nimble, aggressive, formation
- Askari cav: 10 fig + 1 Ld, Vet, Carbine, Sword
- Regolari Italiani 1,2 e 3: 10 + Ld, Trained, formation, volley fire
- Maxim trained, 4 figs.,rifles
- Furieri, trained, 5 figs, rifle + bayonet
- Scorta treno c.sopra, trained, 5 figs, rifle + bayonet
- Askari gun 5 figs., rifle + Baionetta, gun

- 3 Eroi
- Snayder-yaji 1,2 3, e 4: 10 figure Trained Rifle+sword, nimble, bad shot, aggressive
- Waruari 1,2,3 e 4 Veterani, 20 figs + leader, Sword + Shield, nimble,aggressive
- Cavalry 1,2,3 e 4: 10 figs, sword
Unit Cards
The Battle
The italian outpost is on the other side of a narrow pass, certainly held by the natives.

A sangar nearby the outpost is firmly under control of an Askari detachment and a mountain gun.

The commander orders all men to get a firing position.

The outpost, held by just a few furieri, military clerks men, and the renown Captain Zaccardini.

The ethiopians keep a close eye on them.

and on the sangar…

some food is coming, cheered by the troops.

Dust on the horizon, the Bertelli relief column is coming.

Just spotted by the Ethiopians

Many troops have just arrived from the homeland, they are not accustomed to the african highlands, but they are trained to stay in formations and to volley fire.

The Cacciatori d’Africa start to deploy.

Troops in the sangar start to become nervous, they see a lot of Ethipian troops approaching the column, but they are unable to communicate, where is the column heliograph?

In the meanwhile Zaccardini is putting all his charisma, and gold, to bribe one of the local chiefs..

The first veteran Askari troops are deploying, they have orders to reach the first hill on the right of the column, they are aggressive troops, and nimble, they can cross broken ground without loosing momentum.

The battalion commander has decided to deploy his formation in company abreast. Heliograph and mules follow.

Some scouts are on top of the hill.

No, it is a leader defying the enemy!

Neat lines advance towards the hill.

A Maxim gun is deployed forward to cover the advance of the Askari.

On the center and left of the column the italian troops start to deploy.

The full view of the colonial army.

The back.

The first Ethiopians appear, on the top of the right hill. They are armed with Sneider rifles, but they are poor shots.

They profit of all cover to hide and fire.

The italin lines, the machinegun start to fire on the hill.

and the Askari rush uphill!

The piedmontese officer orders the heliograph to reach the firing line.

On the right, a warm blooded sardinian captain disregards orders for the italians not to go on high ground, and orders a rush for the top of the right hill, formation is broken!

The relief wagons and their escort are worried of what is happening on their left.

But they should’t. The Penne di Falco Askari cavalry enters the battlefield!

A group of Ethipian shooters comes out of an ambush and fires to the sardinians.

It is more than a single group!

But the italian colonial troops are currently more numerous and they are well trained.

The enemy, as seen from the hilltop.

Some casualties are taken from the first askari column, but two more are ordered forward.

The main problem is that the advance of the column is very slow. Will they ever manage to reach the fort in time?

The italians in high ground are coming under pressure!

A full enemy host is found on the same hill!

Many cavalrymen are there, maybe they were put to ambush the column on the narrow path. They are at a disadvantage on the rough hill ground respect to infantry.

The machinegun pours lead over the enemy, but suddenly stops firing with a CLANG! Jammed. It is brought back on the wagons.

On the meanwhile, the sangar is under attack!

There is not much time left!

But the sardinian captain is starting to learn the matters of Small Wars, a bloody melee develops on the left hill.

The Ethiopians are checked with heavy casualties. The italians barely manage to hold the line.

Also the fort starts to be under attack!

Zaccardelli has a perfect view of the whole battlefield.

Our game master on the back of the fort.

The ethiopians are lucky, the gun manages to fire just a bad shot before the sangar is stormed.

A closeup

A second melee on the hilltop. The italians still hold, but they are decimated. The captain is wounded!

The ethiopians are pinned in place. They wait for the rest of the host to attack.

The wounded captain firing his pistol. The sergeant keeps the enemy at bay with his sword.

Few hundred meters from the melee the Ethipian leader advances with his cavalry, covered by enemy fire.

But the Penne di Falco are coming in aid of the outnumbered italian regulars.

In the meanwhile the clerksmen are given rifles, to defend the outpost. Zaccardelli smoking a cigar…

To the fort!

The last stand of the sangar…

We have forgotten the Askari battalion, They are cleaning the hill with just a few casualties!

But the column is too slow. The Cacciatori do not advance the firing line…

Last few seconds of the sangar. All defenders will be killed in place.

Last shots.

The heliograph is almost in place, but it is late!!! Sun is going down!

The Penne di Falco dismount.

That was the picture for another battle, here they are charing in aid for the outnumbere regulars!

They will have to fight many natives. The outcome is not clear

At the end of the day, the attack to the fort.

Sun is down, but the askari on the right are now attacked by many Ethiopian cavalrymen!