Author: parallels


La Petite Guerre a cheval

Here my last effort with Seven Years War French figures. This time I prepared two units of French light troops, the Clermont Prince cavalry. The figures are Minden, I had 14 troopers, so they...


6mm Ancients by Vittorio

Here some photos of Vittorio’s beautuful ancient armies. I am posting them as the best possible example of basing 6mm figures. They are based on 30mm and 60mm width bases. In my case figures...


Gennaio 2025

Nuovo Anno! I propositi di questo mese: In opera o finiti: TODO: Poi qualche pezzo per iniziare il progetto delle Guerre d’Italia? O aggiungere unita’ ai miei pezzi dei trent’anni? O completare i miei...



Yesterday night we played a very enjoyable game. We have used the Midgard rules, by Reisswitz Press, to fight a Troyan War game. The marvellous figures in the photos below have been painted by...


Hinchliffe Martians

Here the old Hinchliffe catalogue excerpt with the Martian range: Then below some figures from the range painted. They have been found on the Lead Adventure site. These range may be bought by Broadsword...


Contrast cavalry

Some thoughts while painting my Clermont Prince cavalry horses. Here my old post about Contrast colours:


BatthyƔnyi Hungarians.

I just picked one battalion as my next painting choice. Figures are from Minden, I had found a battalion of 16 on eBay and then I ordered the missing 8 from Fife and Drum...


Minifigs French Field Artillery

I have just finished five bases of French artillerymen, four bases are made of Minifigs French artillerymen, with the 1806 uniform. One base is a Guard Artillery one, hosting four not yet identified figures....


Clermont Prince unit

I finally managed to paint the test of the Clermont Prince I found some time ago on eBay. I had ordered the missing figures and voila’ unit is done. Next part coming is Clermont...

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