Category: Battles


Battle of Saltanovka, July 1812

Today we played a wonderfully crafted game, by Mauro, who prepared a Shako 2 scenario depicting the Battle of Saltanovka, a difficult engagement for the Russians, who needed to attack the French by crossing...


Bolt Action Normandy

A wonderful game played with Matteo! An encounter battle between a PanzerGrenadier platoon, supported by one Panzer IV, against a US paratroops platoon. Objective was the heavily shelled town of Cessy sur la Fleuve....


Action around Degesen, 17 August 1914

This scenario features the northern flank of General von François’ I Corps, centredaround Degesen (modern day Babushkino). Elements of the German 1st Division (General Richard Von Conta) have to hold this flank against the...


Combat at Osma

Solo game based on the “Victoria” scenario book from TooFatLardies. I decided to test my amended Shadows of the Eagles rules. The amendments are in fact fully based on the new rules that the...


Surprise at Lippwittz

Table in preparation for the small scenario described in the Honours of War rulebook. The blue are defending a river crossing while the red make a frontal attack. The suprise is a small outflanking...


Second Manassas BBB

On the 6th we played the ACW scenario of 2nd Manassas, the one which may be found on the BBB GroupIO page. I have so far played with a labelling script, which has produced...


Vitoria 1813

A very enjoyable game organised by Maurizio, with Marco playing the Perfida Albione and me as French. The game scenario was built by Maurizio, fully based on the original battle (The battle plan shown...



The battle was an absolute success! The game rules worked very well, keeping us tense for the whole game. Here some photos, comments follow. Thirty Years War game next Monday. Battlefield is ready. Some...


Roliça, 17 August 1809

Maurizio and I are going to play this scenario, from the Battle of Roliça, taken from the “Over the Hills” supplement and adapted to Shadow fo the Eagles. We are going to test the...


Chancellorsville BBB

First some photos of the figures used, 3mm ACW from Peter Pig and Osmy Oddzial. A Bloody Big Battle! We are playing the Chancellorsville scenario by Chris Pringle. I spent some time preparing the...

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