Napoleonic Newsdesk

Apres les fish wars, le deluge!

So read the headline in the Guernsey Evening Press, as the island reeled from the shock of an attempted landing at Grand Havre, and assault on the Rousse Tower by a crack detachment of the 45eme de Ligne. Seeming to have the upper hand in their confrontation with the 45th Foot, Dave Prior's men suddenly found themselves confronted by a spine chilling, grog inspired charge, by the Naval detachment of HMS. Seeing their drawn cutlasses, and fixed bayonets (I forgot to tell them the rule!) the 45eme decided discretion was the better part of valour, and the precipitate retreat was one of the most realistic I have seen in the NA.

A great many friendships were cemented over an excellent weekend and our thanks go out to the Guernsey Tourist Board, and Heritage Committee for their hospitality. I hope it won't be long before we return.

Normanby Hall was echoing to song and dance a few weeks later, as the British Division celebrated its victory in some style. They were still seeing double the next morning when the L'Armee d'Angleterre revealed its new Artillery battery, and increased numbers of Chasseurs a Cheval including a splendidly attired trumpeter. T'was a pity his mount did not appreciate his music. The effort that has obviously gone into the displays, equipment and period camps during the winter gives the promise of a very exciting campaign ahead.

There are many events to choose from over the next two months. As this copy wings its way to you many members will be in France, at Le Quesnoy renewing our friendship with La Grande Armee before returning for the first full scale event of the year at ...

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