For all of you 15mm ACW gamers, the naval
aspect isn't being neglected. Whether you want
to battle on rivers or along the coast, and/or just
provide support for your land forces, Joel and
Teresa Gregory of J&T Miniatures has something
for you. Their more recent releases are profiled in this review.
Beginning on this spread are
Coastal Fortifications. These are wonderful
pieces made from a hard resin, and come with
cannons and crew where appropriate. Available
as of this publication are
- CF1 Revetment/Bombproof ($12.50)
- CF2 1-Gun Battery ($15.00)
- CF3 2-Gun Battery ($15.00)
- CF4 Sides (Set of 2 - $7.50)
- CF5 Corner Battery ($15.00)
A minimum of flash needs to be scraped off with an X-Acto knife or similar, and prior to priming or painting, it is recommended to wash the pieces. The fortifications come in two pieces, which gives the option of gluing them together or not. Note in the photo of the Bombproof the wooden details such as beams, as well as a access door. Sides (not shown in photos) are available to complete the fortification when there isn't another adjacent Bombproof or Battery.
The feature photo shows how an impressive 'Fort Fisher' type battery can be built from several pieces (4 Bombproofs, 2x 2-Gun Batteries, 1 Corner Battery & 2x 1-Gun Batteries.) Joel told me that he's planning on doing rifle pits and/or infantry emplacements that would
marry well with the existing items.
These fine items as well as the other items reviewed on the next three pages are just a few of what Joel and Teresa have to offer.
Opposing the Coastal Fortifications out at sea or on a river could be the items on this and the next two pages. On this page you'll find photos of a ship of the USS SASSACUS class (Catalog no. ACW24 and priced at $30.00US).
There were 28 ships in the class, so you may not be able to do with just one model (I'm sure that J&T will like hearing that). The ship comes with a minimal amount of parts: hull, cabin,
2 pilot houses, stack, 2 wheel houses, cannons and masts. Except for the wooden dowels for the
masts and the metal cannons, all of the pieces are made from resin. J & T provides instructions for assembly as well as for painting. Again, as with the Coastal Fortifications, it is recommended to wash the pieces with mild detergent before glueing and painting them.
At right a single Rain Barrel Torpedo (today it'd be called a 'mine') is pictured
'floating.' They're packaged 10 to a bag (Catalog no. ACW3A for $5.00US). The torpedo is cast as a halve so that it appears as if it's partially submerged when placed on a flat surface. One
may be able to glue two of them together, if one wants to place them 'washed ashore.'
Now here's a beautiful model of a Mortar Sloop & Confederate Privateer (Catalog number
ACW25r $30.00.) Provided are two types of cannons as its main weapons, one a 13" mortar
(see photo above right) and the other a large Parrott gun on a platform (bottom). Joel informed
me that the Parrott gun on platform was used by Confederate Privateers. Both the platform and the mortar rotate 360 degrees with the aid of a pin underneath.
Additional firepower is provided in the form of 4 deck guns. The cabin and deck features are
molded into the resin hull, with the cannons and masts provided separately. The detail on this and other models reviewed in this article are perfect for ease of painting and highlighting. An
instruction sheet is provided showing the parts breakdown and how the masts should be
So your opponents have retreated to the fortress on that island? Well, you'll need a FLOATING
BATTERY OPEN (Cal. no. ACW2 3, $22.50US) to help you persuade them that it was a bad move. This
version comes without a roof (could that be coming later?) There are two resin platforms, one for the 6 metal cannons and the other for its ammunition. You can see the roundshots and clothe bags in the close-up photo at right.
At right is a full image photo of the FLOATING DEBRIS marker (Catalog number ACW4A at $5.00US). just the item to show your opponent where you sank his ship(s) or to mark areas on the water that can't be navigated safely. Detail of the fine sculpting on the remnants of barrels, masts, wheel house, stack, etc., left after a well-placed and lethal enemy (or friendly) shot.
Joel and Teresa are friendly and committed to the hobby, and you'll find their service
fast and professional. Visit them in the dealer area of the major conventions such as Historicon, Cold Wars, Little Wars and others, or you can write or call (see address & phone number below). I highly recommend their products for the 15mm/20mm ACW or other mid-19th Century wargamer.
FYI for the 25mm gamer, I was informed that there's a 25mm Single-turret Monitor soon to be released. Keep 'em coming (or should I say 'floating'), Joel & Teresa.
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