by Eric Burgess
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Rallies - Cost one impetus to attempt to rally (same as original rules), but you only pay a morale chip if the unit actually rallies. If the unit fails to rally from disorder or routed status then it only costs an impetus. No flank fire bonus on units in column of route. - You already get an UP3 for being in Column of Route. This is more than enough. Also a flank shot on a COR would not get any depth bonus which the flank bonus is for. Also units in COR are not in preferred formation so their morale checks are down one anyway. (If you play with preferred formations) UNEXPLAINED ADVANCE (New Card idea) PREFACE - This card may or may not be need due to humor error. BUT - for those solo gamers or one-on-one gamers this may be a good card to have in the deck.
When this card is turned the non-phasing side may move any one command or one out of command unit directly towards his lines. This costs one impetus. This simulates one commander "on his own initiative" advancing towards the enemy despite the overall commander's strategy. There are no other disadvantages to this card. Units remain in current condition after being moved. Removed from the deck after it's first use. Can be added to the sequence deck at the beginning of any turn, before discards are taken.
NOTE: This could be a lot of fun in a game. Reminds me of that Union commander at Gettysburg that advanced to the wheat field and was almost overrun.
I will add a "Weather Change" card to one side's decks. This card is alternated between each sides deck. Once one side plays the card, then on the new shuffle the other side places the weather card in their deck.
If the card is revealed follow the chart for Winter - Below Freezing. You cross index the current conditions versus a D6. This new weather condition takes effect immediately. The amount of snow fallen must be kept track of separately. The snow is added to the current total at the end of the turn. Winter - Below Freezing
Snowing adds 0.5" of snow per turn and all fire is down one die types
Once the snow is deeper than six inches then movement rates are half normal rates. Snow deeper than 12 ' quarters infantry movement and halves cavalry movement.
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