by Chris Engle
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2-10-00 ResultsAn advanced party of the BEF seizes the Maghrib Gate of Dar as Salaam. Captain De Trevel distinguishes himself in this action and is mentioned in dispatches. French Captain Turrene is unable to control his passions and is caught seeing his Arab mistress – Kiswar Alam. He is expelled from French service and is last seen heading south, with his love, to sell his services to Sheik Husein. Ali Baba has taken many British Hostages – including Amelia Edwards, a member of the Schliemann expedition. Schliemann sends one of his men, Indiana University Graduate Student Henry Jones, to pay their ransom – 200 pounds and a cartload of food. The following letter is received by Major Fitzgerald
We do not understand how men allow themselves to be ruled by a woman like your Inglish. In my country we are real men and rule like men, we will defeet you. I, Ali Baba the greatest and most feered of thieves am holding your people until you leeve my country. We will not kill them or harm your womeen who are very beutiful with all that nice yellow hair and blue eyes, and legs longer than a camel's! But you must pack your infidel army back to Ingland and they will be unharmed. We are patriots and honest Moslems who do not eat pork or keep dogs as pets. Perhaps you should read your Bible and follow the teachings of your prophet Jessus. We do inglish no harm. Leave now or die! Yours Truly Ali Baba: King of all Thieves. P.S. As a sign of good will we will release some women if you give food and 200 pounds to the honest Mullahs in Salam to help the poor. The Schliemann expedition heads south to the dig sight. The expedition includes: Diego Moses (guide) Moses Schwartz (translator) Henry Jones (grad student) and Herr Dorpfeld. English members of the expedition: Flinders Petrie and Amelia Edwards are held hostage by Ali Baba. It is rumored tha Abd er Rasul has been selling ancient artifacts for years! Dar as Salaam: 1880 British Invasion Matrix Game Back to Table of Contents -- Matrix Gamer #11 To Matrix Gamer List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by Chris Engle. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |