Bugawan of Bugawanistan
by Malcolm Wright
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Player Briefing: Acting on information supplied to you by your secret agent Lucinda Lumley, the Head Prefect of Miss Polkinghorne's School for Young Ladies, you have seized the steamship SS MINERVA. The ship was carrying what was claimed to be a School Excursion to some off shore islands. However your information suggested that instead the students intended to breach the secure borders of BUGAWANISTAN and search the old Roman ruins for a treasure reputed to have been buried there long ago. You first met the luscious blonde Lucinda Lumley while you were attending a convention of Bugawan's in Poona. Although heavily disguised, nothing could hide your rugged good looks. The innocent young Miss Lumley was obviously distressed, having missed the last train back home after attending a training school for prospective School Prefects at the Poona Prison. It is in your nature to be kind to young women, so when the striking blonde English girl shyly suggested it would be inappropriate for her to stay at Rajaman Sihngs "Hot Springs and Discreet Boarding House", until her next train, you graciously offered to help her out by sleeping on a couch in her room so you could protect her. Of course such an innocent and inexperienced young waif could be forgiven when, seeing the erotic pictures on the walls of the Boarding House, she was overwhelmed with passion flowing through her hot blood and fell fainting into your arms. You have, of course had to keep what happened next from the BUGAREENI, your No.1 wife and the girls of the Harem. During the hot months of longing that have passed, you have however been able to exchange some love notes with her. So completely has she fallen under your spell that she willingly volunteered to become a spy for you, against the hated RAJ, should the British ever come your way. Of course you have spent many years of your reign, as did all the other Bugawan's before you, avoiding anything that might excite the British and bring them into your province to loot and steal...that being your sole prerogative. However the news of the impending expedition was too much for you to bear. Bad enough that the students might go back and say nice things about your Province…but there, nearby, was the tempting and sweet Lucinda. In a wave of passion you ordered the local Pirates to seize the school vessel. You brought off the students and sank the ship off shore hoping nobody would find out. But last night, horror of horrors, local fishermen reported a British force had anchored off shore and was preparing to land. Aaaeeeee...The RAJ has come. There is nothing left but to fight. Fight for Bugawanistan and fight for the innocence of your beloved Lucinda. Your troops comprise:
A bunch of Camel Troops of uncertain number and indifferent habits who's main fault is being able to be smelt down wind even when heavily camouflaged. A whole lots and lots, of fuzzy wuzzy natives from the mountains of UTHERBUGAWANISTAN. Lots and lots of Arab troops from lower BUGERWANISTAN. It is not possible to be more specific about numbers as only the wind and Allah really knows. Besides you can't count, so telling you would be of no help. Just rely on LOTS. Of course your pride are the revolving musket things with a handle and that go 'rat a tat a tat a tat' when you turn it. These were obtained from some American volunteer who came here years ago. He gave you one to put in your fort, but the other is in the hands of his son Ani-Sphorts-en-Knika-Ababa, who is now leader of the fearsome camel troops. The time has come to fight…and also to remain safe yourself…. As is also traditional amongst the Bugawan's before you. Of course you will not give up the luscious Lucinda without fighting to the last drop of your troops blood. More Steamship Troopers
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