Scenario Rules
by Bradley Skeen
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Scenario Rules1. Scenario Duration. The Scenario begins with the Soviet Player turn of Nov II 42 and ends after the German Player turn of Mar I 43. 2. The Playing Area. The playing area is limited to that part of maps 4A and 8A inclusively defined by the northern hex row of the maps, the hex column 2 hexes to the west of Dnepopetrovsk, the hex column 7 hexes to the east of Stalingrad, and the C weather line (note that this excludes the Crimea). Axis units required to retreat off the south or east edge of the map, or Soviet units required to retreat off the west edge, are eliminated. All other units may enter at the friendly controlled hex nearest the hex from which they retreated during the next friendly movement (but not exploitation) phase. The supply source for the Soviet Union is any controlled hex on the northern or eastern map edge (or any three major cities connected by rail). The supply source for the Axis is any controlled hex on the northern or western map edge. 3. Low Capacity Railroads. The dashed-line road symbol actually represent low capacity rail lines. Units may move along low capacity rail lines using rail movement as usual, but they count twice their usual RE size against rail capacity. A low capacity RR element supply line 7 hexes in length may be traced between the RR element and a road, Truck, or overland element in any weather condition or weather zone. 4. Terrain Modifications. All the following modifications are on Map 4A.
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per C/M XXX 3 air units per C/M cadre 1 air unit per any XX except cav 1 air unit per Gds Inf/Art XX 2 air unit per 2 Cav XXs 1 air unit per 2 Gds C/M X 1 air unit 7. Partisans. Due to the presence of Axis forces not directly represented in the game, the Soviet player may make no partisans attacks, nor may optional rule 40 be used. 8. Resource Points. Resource points are held in an off-map pool and may be expended or placed in any hex in regular supply at any time in the Player Turn. 9. Self Supporting Divisions. Luftwaffe Field Forces (2-6 and 3-6 Infantry Divisions), all Security XXs, and Soviet Cavalry Divisions are self-supporting only. That is, they do not support unsupported units stacked with them. However, a Soviet Cavalry Corps (any two Cav XXs stacked together) provide full support to any units stacked with them. 10. Reinforcements and Replacements. Each player receives reinforcements and replacements as listed on the scenario order of battle. A. Axis. Italy, Hungary and Rumania receive no replacement points or special replacements during the game. Axis reinforcements may enter play in any of three ways as indicated in the order of battle:
Army Group A. Units of Army Group A are initially deployed in an off-map holding box. During the course of the game certain units or certain numbers of REs are released. As long as the Axis player controls Rostov and each of the rail line hexes extending south of the city, released units may enter as reinforcements in any friendly controlled hex on the south map edge; they may be entrained but subsequent movement counts against the on map rail capacity. Once the Soviet player has gained control of Rostov or severed Axis communications with the southern map edge, these units may no longer be received as reinforcements. East: as in the standard rules. Replaced units are treated as East reinforcements.
Procedure: Reduce the desired division to cadre and immediately receive a number of infantry RPs equal to the difference between the unit's full and cadre strength. (Note: This represents the unit's personnel abandoning their heavy equipment and being flown to reinforce units in the Ukraine). B. Soviet. Soviet reinforcements may enter play in any of four ways as listed in the scenario order of battle:
South. These units may be place in any friendly controlled hex along the C weather line on map 8A. Replacements. Cadres may be rebuilt as in the standard rules. On board MDs and the Stalingrad factory (if not in enemy ZOC) generate RPs (including those for special drafting at liberated cities) as in the standard rules. Infantry RPs received as reinforcements or generated through special replacements may be added to any on map MD, or may be used to replace units in off map districts which immediately enter play as RR reinforcements. Units replaced by arm or art RPs may enter play as RR reinforcements or be placed at the Stalingrad factory provided it is not in enemy ZOC. Note that replaced units entering play as RR reinforcements count against the on board RR Capacity.
Motorized Rocket Artillery units may be replaced at a cost of 2 art RPs and 1 arm RPs, regardless of unit strength. 2-1-8 Mortar brigades may be replaced at the cost of one Art RP. 3-6 Riffle XXs. The Soviet player may flip one 3-6 Rifle XX to its 46 side per turn if the unit meets the requirements for conversion. 11. Victory Conditions. (See VP chart at the end of these rules.) At the end of the Game the Soviet Player receives Victory Points for controlling certain geographic objectives. An objective is controlled if an unisolated Soviet unit occupies the hex at the end of the Mar I 43 German Player Turn. Determine victory by adding the total awards. The historical performance of 4 VPs represents a substantial Soviet Victory. Since this action was the decisive one of the war any lesser total would represent a failure of the Soviet offensive that would probably allow the Germans to achieve a stalemate on the Eastern front and stiffen their resistance to the Allied invasions in the West. The war might be prolonged indefinitely. A result greater than 4 would probably result in the destruction of Army Group South and the collapse of the Eastern front in 1943. Operation ROUNDUP might then be launched against France on schedule in 1943 and end the war perhaps a year earlier, or, conceivably, result in an army-led coup against the Nazi regime. 12. Initial Deployment. The Axis Player deploys his units first. Both players must deploy their units so that each front line hex is either occupied by a unit or is in friendly ZOC. More Lost Victories: Stalingrad Counteroffensive
Scenario Rules Special Rules Optional Rules Variants Player's Aid Card Field Marshal Manstein Field Marshal Zhukov Axis Order of Battle Soviet Order of Battle Design Notes Back to Europa Number 58 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by GR/D This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |