"Lost Victories" is a Europa battle Scenario for Scorched Earth covering the Soviet envelopment of the German 6" Army at Stalingrad and von Manstein's subsequent efforts (Operation WINTER STORM) to maintain and restore the German position.
By the end of the good campaigning weather of 1942 the German Army, following unsound plans emanating from Fuhrer HQ, was badly overextended in a huge salient towards the Volga and into the Caucasus. Sixth Army, the only German formation left in the thousand miles between Voronezh and Elista, was pinned down in pointless street-tostreet fighting in Stalingrad. Large areas of this force's strategic flanks were either devoid of troops (to the south of the playing area) or guarded by weak and unreliable Rumanian formations. Taking advantage of this situation, the Red Army, benefiting from the experience of a year and a half of hard campaigning and led by the brilliant Zhukov, planed and executed for the first time a large mobile offensive. Brushing aside the weak Rumanian flank guards, the Soviets enveloped 6" Army in a deep penetration. The Hungarians and Italians holding the Upper Don were in turn overwhelmed. Von Manstein, architect of the victory in France and now in charge of restoring the situation, was forbidden by an increasingly hostile Hitler to withdraw 6" Army. Manstein had to fight a mobile withdrawal and defense with a handful of panzer divisions.
Desperately fighting to hold onto Rostov long enough to evacuate First Panzer Army from the Caucasus, Manstein used this reserve and the newly concentrated SS corps to encircle Soviet spearheads and to recapture Kharkov just as the spring thaw brought operations to a halt. Von Manstein had overcome Zukhov and Hitler to save Army Group South from destruction.
In general, use the rules of FitE/SE, except as modified or superseded by the following. Scenario and Special Rules should be used in every game; Optional and Variant Rules should be used by prior agreement of the players.
More Lost Victories: Stalingrad Counteroffensive
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