Romanian Army 1940-45

Part I:
Romanian Frontier Division 1941

by Bob McKenzie

Experienced Morale 9

Divisional Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car
    1 staff radio truck

3 Infantry Regiments, with:

    Regimental Headquarters, with: 1 command stand
    3 Infantry Battalions, with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 60mm. mortar stand
        3 Infantry Companies, with:
          1 command infantry stand
          2 infantry stands

        MG Company, with: 4 HMG stands

Cavalry Squadron, with: 1 command cavalry stand and 2 cavalry stands

2 Artillery Regiments, with:

    Regimental Headquarters, with: 1 mounted command stand and 1 staff telephone wagon
    3 Field Artillery Battalions, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 mounted spotter
      1 ammo wagon
      3 75mm field guns
      3 crew stands
      3 limbers
      1 AAMG stand
      1 cart

Pioneer Company, with:

    1 command engineer stand
    1 engineer stand
    1 engineer flamethrower stand


1) The battalion 60mm is an amalgamation of mortars actually allocated to companies

Romanian Army 1940-45 Part I

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