Romanian Army 1940-45

Part I:
Romanian 4th Parachute Battalion 1944

by Bob McKenzie

Morale 9, Regular

Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command stand and 1 Recce MIC stand

8th & 9th Parachute Companies, with:

    1 command infantry stand
    infantry stand
    1 infantry SMG stand
    1 Flamethrower/SMG engineer stand
    1 HMG stands
    1 60mm mortar stand

10th Support Weapons Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 47mm APX AT gun
    1 81.4mm mortar stand
    1 Porter stand
    1 crew stands


1) This unit only fought the Germans after the coup. Romanian Tudor Vladimirescu Volunteer Division 1944-45
Experienced Morale 8

This unit was organized by the Soviets from Romanian POWs. It was organized as a standard Russian rifle division. Although it was part of the Russian attack against Romania in 1944 it was only used against Germans.

Romanian Army 1940-45 Part I

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