Romanian Army 1940-45

Part I:
Romanian Echelon II
Infantry Division 1942-44

by Bob McKenzie

Experienced, Morale 8.
Pioneers Morale 9

Divisional Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car
    1 staff radio truck
    1 MP infantry stand

3 Infantry Regiments, each with:

    Regimental Headquarters, each with: 1 command stand
    Regimental Pioneer Company, with:
      1 command engineer stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 engineer flamethrower stand

    Regimental AT Battery, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 47mm AT gun
      1 37mm Pak-36 AT gun
      2 crew stands
      2 limbers

    Regimental Mortar Battery, with:
      1 120mm mortar
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 wagon

    Regimental Recce Company, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 recon cavalry stand
      2 infantry stands

    2 Infantry Battalions, each with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command stand
      3 Infantry Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand, 2 infantry stands and 1 60mm mortar stand

    MG Company, with: 4 HMG stands and 1 81.4mm mortar stand (ds)

Divisional AT Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car
    3 47mm AT gun
    3 crew stands
    3 Malaxa or 3 Horch cars

2 Artillery Regiments, each with:

    Regimental Headquarters, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 staff telephone wagon
      1 20 or 25mm. AA gun
      1 limber
      1 gun crew stand

    Field Artillery Battalion, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 mounted spotter
      1 ammo wagon
      3 75mm field guns
      3 crew stands
      3 limbers

    Heavy Artillery Battalion, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 mounted spotter
      1 ammo wagon
      3 100mm. field guns
      3 crew stands
      3 limbers

Divisional AA Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car
    2 20mm or 25mm AA gun
    2 crew stands
    2 limbers

Recce Battalion, with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 60mm mortar stand
      1 crew stand
      1 limber

    3 Recce Companies, each with:
      1 command infantry stand
      2 infantry stands
      1 HMG stands

    Cavalry Squadron, with:
      1 command cavalry stand
      2 cavalry stands

Pioneer Battalion, with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command stand
    3 Pioneer Companies, with:
      1 command engineer stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 engineer flamethrower stand
      1 Heavy Company
      1 Horse Drawn Class V Pontoon Bridge
      1 engineer supply wagon


1) The recce battalion 60mm is an amalgamation of mortars actually allocated to companies

2) The regimental recce company was on the official TOE but was probably not fielded The regimental AT guns were supposed to be 3 47mm, the guns fielded are shown

3) This organization remained until 1944 with a few minor alterations.

    a) In October 1942 each division gets:
      Heavy AT Company, with
        1 command stand
        1 PAK 97/38 75mm AT gun
        1 crew stand
        1 medium truck

      These were delivered straight to the front line and crews were not trained properly in the gun's use. During October and November all AT fire with these guns should be at -1 to hit.

    4) The 11th division had no divisional recce battalion. In- stead it had:

      Assault Battalion, with
        Battalion Headquarters, with
          1 command stand
          1 car
          1 47mm AT gun
          1 crew stand
          1 limber
          1 engineer flamethrower stand

        3 Infantry Companies, each with
          1 command infantry stand
          2 infantry stands
          1 60mm mortar stand

        MG Company, with
          4 HMG stands
          1 81.4mm mortar stand (ds)

      Divisional Cavalry Squadron, with:

        1 command cavalry stand
        2 cavalry stands
        1 37mm AT gun (battalion gun)
        1 limber
        1 crew stand

    The pioneer battalion adds an engineer flamethrower stand at Battalion Headquarters.

    5) The 5th division differed from the other echelon II divisions and is listed separately.

Romanian Army 1940-45 Part I

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