by Dick Bryant
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RAFM, 19 Concession St., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N1R 2G6 will soon be releasing additions to their French-Indian War line. These will include Highlanders advancing; Highlander Grenadier and Command Group; British Generals(Wolfe& Washington); British Generals (Moncalm & DeLaevis); British Artillerymen; French Artillerymen; Colonial infantry firing; and French Cavalry in bearskins. C in C, 8090 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, MN 55432 recently released some new 1/285th scale armor items consisting of a Canadian Grizzly 6x6 APC/COM; Panhard 178 AC and H-35 cavalry tank as well as some accessories including a 6'brick wall, gun position sandbag, 4' picket fence and infantry fortifications. They also announce they have available a new set of rules for micro-armor entitled "Close and Destroy" which sells for $12.00 and state it "is a miniatures game accurately depicting NATO/ Warsaw Pact confrontation on a tatical level. These rules cover armor, infantry, and artillery and all aspects of modern ground combat". C in C also carries Croissant Miniatures, a line of 1/285th one-piece aircraft which cover WWII American, German, British, Japanese, Italian, and Soviet planes, a total of 65 in all. Hippocrene Books, 171 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016 was scheduled to release in April "Intelligence Officer in the Peninsula: Letters & Diaries of Major the Honorable Edward Charles Cocks 1786-1812" by Julia Page. It contains 255 pages, 24 maps & half-tones and costs $22.95. The Crimean War Research Society (David Cliff - Secretary -33 EastSt., Triangle Sewerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX6 3PA, England) is a new group wishing to encourage research into all aspects of the Crimean War 1853-56. They also offer a quarterly journal "The War Correspondent", which contains book reviews, news of members, requests for assistance, and more. Subscription rates will be $10.00 per year. Gallia are said to be producing several new 25mm urethane buildings including a church, gate, church yard, and castle. Greenfield Hobbies has released several Colonial gunboats, one foe 25mm and one for 15mm scale. The 25mm craft is 17"x4" and 5" high ($10.00). The 15mm ship is 101/2"01/4" and 23/4" high ($7.50). Military Miniatures is a new producer of wargames terrain sections. The sections are two feet square and they have 35 variations available at present. Prices are 4 to 5 pounds per section. Military Miniatures, 11 North St., Wisbech, Cambs, England. Free Spirit Software, Inc., 538 S. Edgewood, LaGrange, IL 60525 has released a WWI strategy game for the Commodore 128 computer in 128 mode, "The Great War". The Little Mini Shop, 503 Point Breeze Rd., Flemington, NJ 08822, has released some new items for their 10mm Johnny Reb line including destroyed small cottage ($2.29); destroyed one arch bridge ($3.49); and some new items for their 1/285th scale buildings including destroyed large townhouse ($1.75); destroyed stone cottage ($1.75); destroyed stone bridge ($1.75); stone townhouse ($1.75); ridges (2 for $2.25); ridges with trees (1 small, 1 large for $2.25); foxholes (3 1 or $1.45); Bunkers (2 different styles for $3.15); and chalet ($1.75). North Shore Press, 38127 North Shore Ave., Waukegan, IL 60087 has released "Fistful of Miniatures", a set of miniatures rules for resolution of battles with 15mm fantasy and historical figures. The rules are said to be intended for large battles and can be adapted to 25mm scale as well. A 24-page booklet for $7.95 including postage. Frontier Miniatures, 7343 Branding Iron, Canutillo,TX 79835, has released an American Command Pack for the BoxerRebellion which includes four NCO's with pump shotguns and two officers. Other new releases include French Foreign Legion mounted troops (on mules) and Senagalese Tirailleurs. Skytrex announces they have released some new Hinchliffe 25mm Ottoman Turks including infantry and cavalry as well as Saracen 25mm figures. The Model Shop, 190-194 Station Road, Harrow, Middlesex, England, has the Red Wing Boxer Rebellion range. This is a large range encompassing nine Boxers, ten Imperial Chinese infantry, five Chinese Irregular Cavalry, 8 Russian foot and 3 horse, 8 French, 10 Italians, five Austro-Hungarians, 9 American fooi and 3 horse, six Chinese Peasants, 10 Germans, eight Japanese foot and 2 cavalry, 8 British, and five 1st H.M. Chinese Foot. These are 25mm figures. Wargames Foundry, 21 Villiers Rd., Woodthorpe, Nottingham NG5 4FB, England, offers 25mm ECW (choice of 230 figures), Franco-Prussian War (125 figures), and a new line of Marlborough's Army. Foot figures are 35 pence each while horses are 40 pence. They also offer a colored FrancoPrussian Painting Guide for 2.95 pounds, not including postage. Surface orders should add 30% while airmail is an additional 50% over your regular order. Front Rank Miniatures, 11 South bourne Gardens, Westclif f-on-Sea, Essex SSO OAG, England, produces a 15mm Wars of the Roses line consisting of 80 figures and they also offer a 60 figure line of the American Civil War in 25mm and a 25mm Jacobite Rebellion line of 40 figures. Anschluss Publishing 79 Godgrey Rd., Spixworth, Norwich, Norfolk, England, offers a series of 15 booklets on battles of the Napoleonic Wars including Sacile, Thann, Abensberg, Echmuhl, Aspern-Essling, The Piave, Raab, Wagram, Lutzen, Bautsen, Gross Beeren, The Katzbach, Dresden, Liepsig, and Peninsular Campaign. The books range in price from 2.25 pounds to 3.50 pounds. They report that releases for this year will include booklets for the 1814 campaign, the English Civil War, and the American War for Independence. Heroes Miniatures, an English line of 20mm modern figures, are currently being carried by Alliance Miniatures, PO Box 2347, Des Moines, Iowa 50310. The line include British, U.S., Soviet, French, Israeli, and Arab figures at present. Connoisseur Figures USA, 2626 Forest Glen Trail, IL 60015, has the new releases in 25mm by Peter Gilder for the Napoleonic Wars. New additions include French Artillery (8 and 12 pounders and Howitzer) and gunners (4 different poses) and Carabinier trooper and officers; British Peninsular foot and Peninsular KGL Dragoons and riflemen as well as British foot artillery figures and guns (6 and 9 pounders as well as Howitzer). Soon to come are Portuguese and British Horse Artillery crews. I have heard that the Brunswick figures are also available for this period. For the Italian Wars, Peter has released a Gendarme with sword and another with a mace, also in 25mm. Micro-Scape, Pond Cottage, The Street, Somerleyton, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 5QB, England, has a range of one foot square terrain modules for under 15mm figure sizes. Thus far, one can obtain plain modules, small and large hills, marsh, swamp, dunes, and trees. They range in price from four to six pounds. Also available are naval modules including open sea, island, coastline and coral reef, from five to seven pounds. Orders from the U.S. must include 50% extra. Strategem, 19 Lovers Lane, Newark, Notts., NG24 1HZ, England has a line of 25mm Marlburian Wars 1702-1715 figures consisting of Bavarians and British. Anticipated are French, Dutch, Austrians and artillery. Footfigures are 30 pence while horse are65 pence. They alsooffera Wars of the Roses range, again in 25mm scale consisting of 11 foot figures. Elite Miniatures are available through Connoisseur Figures USA (see address above). They are a line of 25mm 1806 French and Prussian figures which fit in very well with Peter Gilder's line. They have added French artillery figures (5); Cuirassier trooper, officer, and a trumpeter; and Fusilier, Voltigeur, and Grenadier, all standing at ready. Knight Designs, 95 Tyrell Ave., Welling, Kent DA16 2bT, England has released an ACW 2mm floating mortar battery (1.30 pounds) which contains 3 armoured mortar rafts & crews as well as Mississippi paddle steamer, in resin (1.00 pound). They have startersets for2mm fortheACW (13.75 pounds), Napoleonic periods (19.99 pounds), WWI Aircraft in 1/600th scale (7.95 pounds) and the Spanish Armada in 1/2000th scale (10.75 pounds). Still available is the Alamo in 6mm (18.50 pounds) which includes the fortress and figures. A new set of rules for the Sudan Campaisn, 1881-99, is now available from Howard Whitehouse, Apt. G1, Amberidge Apts,1031 ScottBlvd., Decatur, GA 30030. Science vs. Pluck or Too Much for the Mahdi combines the personal involvement of a role-playing game with the broad sweep of tactical miniatures battles. In SvP, all players portray Victorian officers against the umpire-run natives. The game mechanics feature a flexible system derived from the Prussian Kriegsspiel and a variable length bound time scale and is adaptable to figures of any scale or basing system. It contains two manuals, the "Umpire's Handbook" and the "Officer's Handbook" and costs $7.00 including postage. Extra Officer's Handbooks are $3.00 each. Battle Honours America, 17 Ridge Road, Budd Lake, New Jersey 07828, has released Austrian 1809 figures; Russian 1812 cardboard buildings, and additional horses to their 15mm line. Future planned releases include Spanish 1808 army, War of 1812, Russian cavalry and artillery, Polish troops, and limber teams and outriders for all artillery. Alliance Miniatures, P.O. Box 2347, Des Moines, Iowa 50310 announces that they will be adding Adler Miniatures to the lines they currently carry. Adler produces a line of 6mm Napoleonics and the first offerings will consist of French and Russian. Alliance reports that these figures should be available by spring of'87. Tabletop Games, also available from Alliance Miniatures, will be expanding their Napoleonic and Ancients lines in 15mm during this year as well. Wargames, Box 278, Route 40, East Triadelphia, WV 26059 has 25mm Corvus figures for 15th C. Burgundians, Cilician Armenians, Camillan Romans, personality figures, and equipment for this era. In addition, Wargames carries the Corvus figures for Ancients (Thracians and Macedonians); Dark Ages (Vikings, Saxons, Welsh, and Normans); Medieval (Swiss); and English Civil War. The Franco-Prussian War range from Corvus is also available consisting of French infantry (16 figures), German Infantry (16 figures), French Artillery (4) and Prussian Artillery (4), as well as French (6) and German (5) cavalry. Wargames Foundry, 21 Viliers Road, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, England, has added several new figures to their Franco-Prussian, Marlburian and ECW 25mm figure lines. The Franco-Prussians include dismounted French Hussar (2 versions) and Dragoon and Prussian Hussar and Dragoon. Prone firing Prussian and French infantrymen arealso now available. The long awaited French field gun is out as well as "Siege of Paris" civilians (with weapons) --great stuff. The Marlburian line will have a European field gun and 4-man crew ready in late April. The ECW line adds two "Mini-Dioramas": Surgeon with assistant, casualty and surgeon's box; Blacksmith shoeing horse with cavalryman (leaning) and boy with bucket. Both great additions to the tabletop for interest. WF has also added two new sheets to their painting guide: FrancoPrussian Saxon and Wurttemberg troops. More Courier Dispatch: News
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