by Dick Bryant
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The ever famous Little Wars drew over 1000 Historical Miniature gamers to participate in 128 events covering all periods and scales. There were also a great number of manufacturers. Most wargame figure makers were represented. Looking at new products and seeing old friends are easily the most important aspects of any convention. The full ranges of English firmssuch as Connoisseur, Irregular, Tabletop, Brittania, FreiKorps and Knight Designs were present. RSM, Falcon and RAFM showed their new 25mm Seven Years War figures. Wargames, Inc. brought the new Essex and Corvus ranges. New Imperial Roman 25mm figures are available from both Falcon and Essex. Lyzard's Grin had the usual selection of new models, including some great 25mm ACW fortress guns. Akheton USA had their new ranges, plus lots of new building models. Pat Condray brought his latest 15mm Marlburians and John Butler of the Legionnary had his usual great selection of books. ED NOTE: Little Wars has an award that other would do well to emulate, that of Best Game Demonstration. Everyone gets awards at conventions except those who work so hard to put on the games themselves. This year the Best of Show award was won by Mark Anderson and friends who put on a full scale Stars and Bars recreation of Gettysburg with over 4000 figures. They painted butcher paper to show topography and fields then accented the table with terrain pieces. Relatively impressive yet inexpensive. Second place went to The Courier's own Bob Beattie for his Boxer Rebellion game. Third place went to Tim Fisher for his medieval game. The best terrain award went to the Johnny Reb Tournament run by Dean West. Second place went to the Bunzkreigers club out of Cincinnati who always put on an impressive WWII game.
Vice President Joel Klopping Treasurer Todd Fisher Secretary Walter Le Beque The organization has gone to 3 year membership and is in the process of filing as a non-profit corporation in the State of Illinois. More Courier Dispatch: News
1000 Attend HMGS-Midwest Little Wars Special Award to Tony Adams Ancient Tourney Armory Museum of Military History Baltimore, MD Armory to Sell Gallia More News Items Gleanings: Magazines Wargame Figures News Convention Calendar 1987 Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VII #5 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1987 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |